This is what Michael did while we were gone, note the smiles and happiness.. er.. i mean sadness and the rather obvious sorrow for not having one's wife and children with him! Poor guy.
On Monday we hit the Vancouver Children's Festival with team Kwan D'Eon! It was great! The kids did well and Madigan even peed on a porta potty potty! Here are the girls dancing at Bob's & LoLo a very cool children's musical group.
We are all well and good here. Maeve is back in school just in time to pick up a potentially awesome case of lice! Yahoo! When I picked her up today they handed me a leaflet saying that someone in her class has a case. Finger's crossed she doesn't get it. I know it isn't a dirty thing, but it comes with such a heavy negative connotation.. ya know what I mean? Maeve had a great day at school tho, it was her friend Jessica's birthday! Everyone got a cupcake and some bubbles! Great gift idea those little bottles of wedding bubbles. Right now Maeve is playing with her petshop animals in her old skool fisher price house. She is also currently chasing down a bug that has flown into the house. If only you could hear her saying, "here buggy buggy, here buggy buggy.. bugggggggy!" Funny girl, can't wait to see what she does when it actually comes close to her!
Madigan is currently sleeping off a rather long and loud tantrum that lasted from our park to our apartment. Sweet! Nothing like seeing your adorable baby twisting and writhing while screaming like you are pulling off her skin.. ahh this is the life!! On a happier note, Madigan no longer wears diapers during the day! I love summer! Best time to parent train or "potty train" of year! We do have at least a daily accident but she is doing amazing.. rather I am! hahah
Here is a pic of the love.. this isn't wrestling, just hugging!
well if she can pee in an outdoor potty..........she is trained!! I am not sure that I could pee in one. Well the one at our park anyway.
I miss you all like crazy. Makenna drove up today, raced out of the car, I felt flattered that she missed me, then heard "WHERE'S MAEVE!!" sniff sniff. But Saige stayed with me, and even when Mama came home, she was content to sit on my lap, so that makes up for the Makenna slight!!
Love you all
first post too!
Lucky girls. Your are awesome Vashti, Potty training is your thing. Magg's is getting to go on the potty. No BM's yet though. She wants to be one of the big kids so she tries every day, little steps. Glad all is going well. Hope you have a great rest of the week Deb
FINALLY with the new blog !!!! Geee's you'd think your busy or something. YEAH MADIGAN!!!! Its about that time of year again that Jakers and I need to go to baby bootcamp, I guess we've graduated to Toddler bootcamp this year. I hope to drop him off with Auntie to be programed for me to
a.not have tantrums
b.not throw things at mommy
c.not to hit mommy with things
d.PEEE PEe and poop on the potty
I know that may be alot for you but I know you can do it, I have faith!!! hahahahhaha
woohoo love the hip shaking there Maeve! way to move it baby!
what a sweet snuggle picture! and Michael looks far to happy and relaxed...
that looks like a fun little woodstock for kiddies. everyone looks so cute and happy and springy. maeve is so adorable doing her dancing. love the pic of michael looking rico suave on the boat. good work with the potty training ladies.
sorry i missed your call, thursday is a kindy day.
Awww good job Madigan!! Cute pics, I wonder if they'll look on these pics as fondly as we do when they're teenagers!!
just click the video on my page Vash and snipe the embed code.
love yah
Awwwhhhh they are getting so big... and beautiful!! I MISS YOU GUYS!!!! Since your not gonna be to busy this summer vash, maybe when Im down having the baby you can come over and train mine aswell.... she needs a lot of work!
love and hugz
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