Last night was a bit of a tough night.. as was friday. We are going through a bit of a rough patch with Miss Madigan Mussellam. If I happen to take Maeve to the potty or do something without her, she screams. She screams LOUD. She screams for a LONG TIME! Unfortunately, Michael is left holding the screaming child and I can only assume that it is not only embarassing but very frustrating. We are working to help Madigan understand that Daddy is just as good as Mommy and it is tough. We are all working together to help Madigan learn that screaming doesn't get what you want. Calmly asking does but screaming doesn't. Michael did an amazing job with Madigan at Canadian Tire last night and it was really really awful. We stuck with it, stuck to our guns and worked our way through. I just wanted to take this blog opportunity to thank Michael.
Well I have to say. Michael is the best father of my children and husband I've ever had. Why you ask? Here is a brief bulletpoint list of his pros!
*Michael loves his children more than me.
*Michael loves his children equally.
*Michael works and then comes home and works some more.
*Michael ALWAYS does the dinner dishes.
*Michael bathes, brushes teeth, reads stories and tucks in our girls every night.
*Michael supports me in my decisions.
*Michael loves me almost as much as he loves the girls.
*Michael completes our family.

Michael these are just some of the reasons why I love you. Sometimes you aggravate me, as I'm sure I do you but I'm certain we help each other be better people and parents!
Awwww, what a charming post, Maddigoober is trying my big sisters infinite patience? You picked your self a good man there vash, They are few and far between, even though he is alarmingly weird as you sense his creepy eyes on you, probably mentally undressing you. He is micheal, quite funny and quite possibly a long lost sibling as he is just too weird not to be related somehow, Time to bring out the family tree and find out it looks like a cactus. oh, and FIRST POSTS BITCHES
OHH THE JOYS. Yes, Maggie has taken to these fits of rage as well. You have a great husband I have to agree. It is good to remind ourselves of their goodness once and a while. Have a great day. Love Deb
but we have to be careful, we don't want it going to their heads!!
awwww, that is so sweet vashti. glad you are giving the huz-daddy his props, we moms get so wrapped up in our own lives that we don't do that enough. michael does kick ass as do you. you are definitely a "power couple" and a "power family"!
liam is going through severe separation anxiety from mommy too and andy feels the same way michael does. it is frustrating for both of us (not to mention poor liam) and we feel your pain.if you figure out a solution, please let us know!
ooooh and you may have forgotten to mention when you were posting michael's attributes, he has a fantastic mother in law too!!
We do love and appreciate you Michael Mussellam! You are an awesome daddy and a really good friend too.
love ya
ok, that was sweet! I can't imagine being a single mom, that must be soooo difficult! Good for you guys being firm and consistant (look how good you guys turned out!)
Parent hood is not for the faint of heart, I once heard the hardest part is just showing up..everyday!
luv to all, Jac
Aww that was very sweet! We are also trying to teach Saige that Daddy is just as good as Mommy, but she's not buying it.. I don't think she will until Brodie grows boobs and starts lactating!
Sniff, thanks princess, but I'm just following your example.
you two are so special! no really!
Oh dudes, I feel for you.
What a great guy you have there Vashti...and what great parents Maeve and Madigan have too!
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