Red rover....
We call Sara Ann over.....

When you come back to the 'couv, this is how we are going to rock it for you.
This enough incentive for you?
After months of living a devil-may-care lifestyle in the backwoods of England, the Clan has moved onto the next leg of the wacky adventure and are transported back to the unruly urban melting pot of Vancouver, Canada. Let's move closer to see what Daddy Michael, Mommy Vashti, Big Sister Maeve and Little sister Madigan are up to now...
Whoo hoo! First post beotches :p
I never get first post anymore. I'm not sure what that link was for though? The giagantic cadbury creme egg? or the pathetic guy training for the 10k? Todd would appreciate the creme egg, I'm not a huge fan myself... too sweet. Anyhow, Vashti you look great! Have you lost weight? You look so young and happy and healthy. And Madigan is cute as ever. Miss you guys xoxo Luv Wee
Are you actually going to make eggs yourself? You never cease to amaze me you know that!
Hope you are happy and having fun!!
love & hugz
i don't know about all that egg stuff, but your hair looks fantastic! miss madigan is, as always, adorable too...
Whoa you look like me here!!
Sorry, but you do.
I've missed ALOT of posts, where haev I been!?
no kiddin you guys look alike ! Even when I know who it is, I have to check.......
old I know I know.
tee hee
Aaaaah thanks Vashti for the incentive blog !!! hahaah. mmmm creme eggs. I can't wait to try the recipe out hahha should be very interesting. Still unsure about departure date. Still could be in the game. Will know more soon. Love you all and miss you. Hugs and kisses
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