Hello! We are back on the Island babeh! My Mom's place is so great! We were barely out of the truck fresh from the ferry when, Maeve ran to hang out with Unkle Mike and Makenna. Maeve got here just in time to help them plant some corn! She was thrilled, she was less thrilled with Kayla the horse who likes to poop!
The girls are doing well. Madigan had a rough night last night. Scratch, make that Vashti had a rough night last night!! I'm doing good tho, nothing like kicking the kids outside to enjoy a backyard for a change! They seem to be having a blast. 3 dollars worth of miracle bubbles goes a long, long way!
Soo, with that I'm going to go slather on some more sunscreen on them and enjoy the day!

Totally random photo's of my newest look. I call it the "bitch". Anyone who has Michael on facebook knows the look. It is no "Blue Steele" but I'm working on it! I really just wanted to a get a picture of that bitch Erin. She look fantastic and I almost hate her for it! hahah ok ok, I am totally joking. Sometimes sarcasm/my humour doesn't translate on here well! I'm so happy Erin is looking so good and is so incredibly happy. She radiates happiness and its so good to see! I love you Erin!

Maeve soaking her feeties for a little Saturday Mani/Pedi! My apologies but you will have to tilt your head. I can't for the life of me figure out how to rotate a picture using mom's tools!* I only know my own and I don't have the patience to figure it out!
*[Michael the editor's note: I fixed it.]
PS from Michael: Since I'm in the guts of this blog fixing the picture of Maeve, I'll take this opportunity to get some sympathy. I have a huge deadline this Wednesday so while the rest of the fam gets a "vacation" on the island I get to work. Yes, poor me.
The girls are doing well. Madigan had a rough night last night. Scratch, make that Vashti had a rough night last night!! I'm doing good tho, nothing like kicking the kids outside to enjoy a backyard for a change! They seem to be having a blast. 3 dollars worth of miracle bubbles goes a long, long way!
Soo, with that I'm going to go slather on some more sunscreen on them and enjoy the day!
Totally random photo's of my newest look. I call it the "bitch". Anyone who has Michael on facebook knows the look. It is no "Blue Steele" but I'm working on it! I really just wanted to a get a picture of that bitch Erin. She look fantastic and I almost hate her for it! hahah ok ok, I am totally joking. Sometimes sarcasm/my humour doesn't translate on here well! I'm so happy Erin is looking so good and is so incredibly happy. She radiates happiness and its so good to see! I love you Erin!

Maeve soaking her feeties for a little Saturday Mani/Pedi! My apologies but you will have to tilt your head. I can't for the life of me figure out how to rotate a picture using mom's tools!* I only know my own and I don't have the patience to figure it out!
*[Michael the editor's note: I fixed it.]
PS from Michael: Since I'm in the guts of this blog fixing the picture of Maeve, I'll take this opportunity to get some sympathy. I have a huge deadline this Wednesday so while the rest of the fam gets a "vacation" on the island I get to work. Yes, poor me.
load them on picassa!! then you can rotate them all to hell!
I will be home soon but am happy to say FIRST POST!!!!!!!!!!!
and I wasn't even forwarned.
love ya
I recognize that look Vashti! your mother taught you well! you're right, Erin looks fanfriggintastic!! visiting the island seems to agree with her.. way to go Erin! I bet your feel terrific! Have a great time with yer ma, and Hey to the little girlies who already enjoy the finer things in life that I have yet to discover, but I have a spa treatment gift cert. from ol robbie for mother's day! and I aint even his mother!
"Jesus Is Lord" ? have you seen the light Vashti?
HA HA HA !!!
OMG.....I do NOT photograph well !!
Vashti you are way to kind...I luv ya. I can only hope that one day I will look as good as you after having 2 beautiful children. That is...if I am fortunate enough to get fat and have ...well at least one. You inspire me.
Luvs,hugs & kisses
Happy Birthday, Princess!!
First off, Erin, you DO look fantastic and Vashti, your new "bitch" look really works! The girls, as always, look adorable. Sorry that you are working so much Michael, I feel your pain.
On a "higher" note, once I enlarged the swing photo, I suddenly realized why you've been taking all the trips to the mysterious Island...."Jesus IS Lord" and you needn't hide the source of your inner radiance any longer. I understand completely sister. Hallelu-YEAH!
Happy Birthday Vashti!
You are a precious friend and confidant and I love you so much. I wish I could spend a part of your special day with you taking you to lunch and for a mani/pedi at the pink lime. You deserve to be pampered and I hope Michael take good care of you today. Have a fantastic Day and I will call you later.
Erin does look awesome, so do you Vashti, I think you always look good. Have a great time on the island. Your kids are gorgeous too. Nothin' wrong about teaching about proper foot and nail care at an early age. Lvoe ya Deb
Nice work Michael.
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