Yes, well i figured I would observe a few blog days of silence following Michael's flattering post! hahah no, things have just been busy around here. So, today's pics will disturb you. One pic is poor Maeve's toe... yes, the toenail and Maeve have said their goodbyes... no one could touch the poor dangling thing or she'd scream.. we couldn't even look at it without her going off into shrieks... so... Daddy timed it right and snipped that thing right off while she was sleeping... poor toe.. looks gross but she has a new one on the way!
Our missing toenailed girl is quite the paparazzi these days.. we let maeve have the old digital cam and she snaps 100's of pics all day long. She is getting alot better at actually capturing her subject! This snap of MaDIGan near the gate is Maeve's. As is Maeve's self portrait... she is really technicalogically sound... ( i may have made up that word) Maeve can also work the mac. she can turn on her video, choose an episode or a preview.. don't get me started on how she has mastered the teletubbies website. She can play every game on there.. including the puzzle ones... YIKES!
Our girls (and Daddy) really dig the ice cream... but we try to be non junky for the girls so they get fruit "ice lollies" really, popsicles but they aren't that bad for you.. whatever every child deserves a treat.. unfortch with Daddy around it is ice lollies after dinner every night! We are having a tough time because with Maeve we just didn't eat crap infront of her so she never got junk until she was much older... poor Madigan watches Maeve eating an ice lollie and drools... so, sometimes when Mommy isn't looking a very kind big sister gives a lick to her underpriviliged little sister..
Yuck !!!
I hope poor Maeve doesn't grow another nail like Papa George !! That would be HORRIBLE !!
Did you tell her that it feel off and that she should put it under her pillow and see if the toe fairy will leave her some money ??
Maeve certainly has an eye for art...maybe see will become a famous photographer ?!?! Good job Maeve.
Madigan is looking as beautiful as ever.....growng like a weed.
Love you all
Auntie Erin
Does that happen to all kids? I'm not looking forward to poor little Mhari going through that if it does...
That's for the med lesson!
ps: Everyone looks great, that boiled food really agrees with y'all! ;)
Awww they are the bestest sisters in the world. They sharing. They are growing up sooo fast, I think Maeve has moms eyes. Awww almost makes me wanna have kids....Almost...Mom stop buying the plane tickets I SAID ALMOST... Looks like I will have the first nephew after all :P
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