Hi everyone! Sorry about being MIA. Madigan is working on choppers 7 & 8. Maeve is working on my very last nerves and... well I'm just SO happy to have Michael back it almost hurts! From last thursday until Monday night has been the longest, hardest 5 days of my life thus far!!! I'm sure it will get harder and really, I look around and I don't have too much to complain about! The reason Michael was gone was because my birthday gift idea for Michael was to secretly get a flight to Canada so he could attend one of his oldest (haha) best friends. I basically passed the hat around and Michael's flight was very generously sponsored by Michael's father, Grandmother and Mother! He was put up by Auntie Erin who also did all the nail biting ticket finding. Turns out Michael was on the last seat out of england.... and no, not just at any airport, Auntie Erin checked them ALL! So thank you very much to Michael's family for helping me give Michael what was quite possibly the best birthday present he could have asked for! Now because I'm so sneakily evil, I didn't tell Kenny or Shannon, that Michael would be attending. Now poor Kenny has had heart problems that are being worked on and its a good thing he is paying such close attention to his diet because as Michael' tells me, when Kenny saw that Michael was there his poor ole heart almost stopped! I wish I was there to see his face because, no one loves Michael more than Kenny Oldale! Mr & Mrs Oldale are on their way to Sunny San Diego and I wish them the absolute best for their honeymoon and married lives together!
I cannot wait until there are more little Oldales running around, loudly bossing their best friends that they quite literally will have forever!
You are a sneaky little woman. What a good wife you are, You put the rest of us to shame. I just get my husband a "HUG" wink wink nudge nudge. I mean it does only happen once a year doesn't it? Have a good one lOv and miss you to, Deb
Wow what a great gift, although I hope micheals penchant for man on man porn didn't embarrass him when strolling around with his carry on in a clear bag. I miss you guys alot and just to let you know we now allow for anonymous commenting on our blog, Love ya
Unca Tig
Vashti you are simply the best!! wife mother daughter and friend!
I love the pics, Madigan is sooooo cute and cuddly.
I will try to call one morning soon. Haven't checked to see if Vonage is supportive of cell phones so have to limit it for a bit. We are all well
Love you all
You could have come up with a better excuse of why you didn't answer my email(grin).
A little frazzled are we?
The mussellam reunion committee needs some advice - please give me a few minutes of time-thanks
Vashti I tried to call this am but your phone wasn't taking calls?? I tried a couple of times and it said the same thing. No internet at home for some reason either.
I sent a message on your hotmail account.
Love ya
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