The Mussellam family has been struck by one helluva stomach virus. These are archive photos because no one wants to see us right now. trust me!! Maeve is all better, Madigan never got sick, Michael feels better and is back at work and I'm afraid to eat! Hahhaah I'm sure I'll get over that tho!!!
Ha look at me I'm the first to make a comment. Thanks for the discretion with the pics...your right no one wants to see that...:)
We're sickys over here too. Mind you not as bad. Coughing, sore throat kinda sick. NOt fun. Hope you guys feel better. Love you. No msn yet , boo hoo.
Love Sara and Jakers
Hi sorry to hear you are afraid to eat Vashti....I should be so lucky.
No news here, am on my 4 off and it is rapidly drawing to a close. Back to work on Friday. Nice chattin with you today.
Hey Moose! Hi Vashti! Nice to see that I'm not the only dad that has grown the goat. Was just goofing about looking up people I used to know and found you! Enjoy your vacation.
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