Today was make your own playdough day at the Mussellam compound. Looks like the colour mixing went a little south of what was anticipated! We didn't do too bad, only a little tasting of the playdough! So happy friday to you all and have a great weekend!
Hey Vashti did you get the email link I sent the other day?
I am going right now to get the phone from Lindsey so will try out Vonage.
who was tasting the play dough? you or the girls?
Hi there to you both and your children too. We have become members of the evil blogger empire. You are welcome to visit us at the shorthouse house or shorthousehouse@blogspot.com I think? Anyway, hope to see you visit, Dont expcect is to be to exciting compared to your high felutince life of yours take care love deb
looks like fun, wish i was there!!!
love you guys, your all beautiful
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