Well, what a week so far! We STILL haven't sorted out the wire transfer from the UK to Canada so our things are STILL in storage here! GRrr very frustrating going on month 4 without our things! The only good news that comes of this is that it is just stuff. Not having your stuff sure makes you realize just what is important in your life!
So, here are the top 10 things that you should know about Madigan.
10) She is very cheeky
9) she puts her arms out to be held by random old ladies on the bus
8) She loves, adores, worships her big sister Maeve
7) she doesn't care for vegetables sans ketchup
6) like her big sister she loves Dora the explorer
5) She can crawl up the stairs faster than Maeve
4) She can say "banana"
3) She can say, "Dora"
2) She can say, "mama, dada"
1) She can say, yell, screach, holler, bellow NO and uses it in almost any/every situation
Here are the top 10 things you should know about Maeve
10) She is very smart
9) Her hair is growing in more and thicker every day
8) Maeve loves her Daddy more than anyone
7) Maeve now pithces a fit when the lunch menu doens't meet with her approval
6) Maeve still loves Dora but HATES swiper and the grumpy ole troll who lives under the bridge
5) Maeve can turn on, select a dvd, pull up the dvd menu, select an episode of Dora and watch it faster than I can.
4) Maeve loves Madigan but doens't really like her!
3) I'm pretty sure Maeve can read and it scares me.
2) Maeve Loves... LOves... Loves the movie My Neighbour Totorro (japanese but dubbed english)
1) Maeve is bored stiff here at home with me and needs to be in some sort of preschool ASAP