Madigan was treated to calls from all of her loved ones, sooooo many cards and a few presents too! Thank you all so much for all the birthday love!
Oh, and she chose ice cream cake!
Growing up we were "not so rich". On our birthdays our Mother made us feel the best because we got to choose our favorite meals for birthday dinner! I am continuing this tradition with my girls because I know that Madigan will always choose home made mac'n'cheese! So, with Auntie Sara, cousing jakers Maeve and Daddy we had a delicious fun birthday dinner!
yay! Gorgeous big girl!! Yeah, growing up not so rich got Mom's creative juices flowing, good to have those ones active and giving the baby making juices a rest, otherwise we would have had to choose rock soup for our birthday dinners in order to afford to feed so many kids.
I haven't had time to comment on the blog but did see it a few days ago. Maeve I love the wrapping paper that you made for Madigan. I see you made a card too. Madigan you are so beautiful. You look like you felt a bit overwhelmed by all your birthday bounty.
What a lovely cake too. Yum Yum.
I love you all very much and can't wait til you come over!
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