I'm not the best Mommy in the world, there are some things that I don't really enjoy doing and that is keeping 2 girls safe while they ride their bikes.... sooo with Maeve busy at school, Madigan rode her bike to the beach!
It is much easier keeping one child on the bike route and off the pedestrian part than two let me tell you! Her reward? A kiss from her Mommy who adores her!
All the Mussellam ladies got to go to Liam's 4th birthday party and paint and work with clay making Yoda figurines!! The kids had a blast, working hard at the Art Studio, pumping out some serious Yoda action!
Friday Lexie and Gary welcomed their little Logan to the world! Logan came a bit early and he is very tiny! Sounds like he is eating like a champ and everyone is taking excellent care of the whole family. I busted out the ole knitting needles and tried about 7 or 8 time to come up with a hat that will fit Logan's adorable little head! After many attempts here is the finished product, modelled by Madigan's doll "Blueberry"
Oh my goodness get out the wd 40 for the bike. Way to go Madigan and YES you are the best mom in the world daughter of mine.
I love the hat and it should fit him just fine. Maybe do another one without the ties for inside too. (in your spare time heh heh) You are like Gramma Finnerty, as she was an amazing knitter too. I am so not.
I love you all. Good luck today Michael in your newest venture. Change is hard but good isn't it?
wow, that IS squeaky, but it was FREEEEEEEE!!
Great riding Madigan!! How rude that mom is throwing the best mom in the world card out when another of her dotters is gonna come in here and lay a smack down. Poof!
That hat is ADORABLE!! Looks cute on bluebaby but it'll look even CUTER on little Logan!! Great job Vash!!
great hat! great girls!!my word verification is genes...strange!
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