Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting... duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh
Those kids were fast as lightning!
Everything was a little bit frightening.....

My brother very kindly watched Maeve and Madigan so Michael and I could attend a very spooky halloween party! Fortunately Michael and I made it out alive err. still dead, together..
aww Maeve I am so glad that your tooth is finally out. I think you look adorable with your little 'gap' and now your big tooth will come in very soon.
I am so sorry that we got cut short on our visit but am counting the days until I can come over and we can have a visit without any interuptions(sic). Hmm does that have two p's or just one, maybe two r's? Whatever I just want a visit!
I love you all so much
I'm a terrible aunt because I merely listened to the first video as to not barf on Winter.
Good job with the teeth, the kung fu and the dead parents!! I feel a little sick now.
Vash you look adorable too with your gap, but I'm sad to report, its not so little.
So, how much did the tooth fairy leave you! And did she confiscate the tooth or let you keep it as a souvenir?
Congratulations Maevey!!!! You are the first one of the O.G. No- Cali September Crew to lose a tooth!!!
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