Life is whizzing past as usual. Friday after work, we went to the Doucette casa for tea! Lisa, wonderful hostess that she i, had all manner of snacks out. Liam was sleeping, Ronan was entertaining and Maeve was miserable. She just was not herself at all. We had a few meltdowns. One of which was my attempt at leaving Peter Pan at the Doucette's place so they could borrow it. Maeve who is normally just great about lending things, had a really tough time. Lisa, gracious soul that she is helped her boys over not getting a chance to watch ours. The terrible thing was, once we hit the car and I pulled away from the curb, Maeve had fallen asleep. Looks like I brought a feverish child to Lisa's house.. what an ass I am! Michael and the girls were in bed asleep at 7pm! I stayed up and watched Flight of the Conchords. I highly recommend it!
Saturday we were incredibly late for Milo's 5th birthday party at the Aquatic Center. Luckily for all concerned we missed out on the swimming portion of the party! We made it in time for pizza, snacks and quite possibly the most amazing cake co created by a 5 year old ever! After the party we donned our swim gear and had a splash! Madigan more so than anyone, she slipped and went fully under for more than a second! Woot woot on the awesome parenting!! She is and was ok, sputtered a bit but didn't cry!
Sunday we loaded up the truck and went out to visit good ole Granny Gracie! We went to a Buddist Temple in Richmond. It was gorgeous! Everyone was burning incense and offering prayers and goodies to all these statues. We are going to go back when it is a bit warmer, maybe read up a bit on Buddism before we go. Maeve was asking so many questions that we are going to make a special library trip to find out more. I'm not well versed in Buddism and I don't want to give her the wrong info. After visiting them temple, we had lunch at banners! The food was ok, the wait staff was crap but the company was great!
Back at Granny Gracie's the girls and Granny worked together on a spiderman puzzle. I dare say that Maeve is better than GG! GG just puts the pieces in and hopes its a fit! Then shouts, "this one doesn't fit get the scissors, we'll make it fit!" Great! We had pie and ice-cream, naps and I went across the street to do some grocery shopping! Home for dinner and the girls have been in bed since 7:30! Michael is on his way to hockey and I have the evening to myself! You'd think I'd take advantage and go to bed early too! Silly you.... er silly me!
Awww, you are gracious guests and we loved every minute of your visit as always. we rented peter pan for ronan and he survived just fine. your weekend looks so fun and i bet no parent can honestly say that their kids have not spent an accidental second underwater. don't beat yourself up, you are human, just like the rest of us.
Hey Vashti, If she wasn't upset, she did great. Hope you are all doing well. I like the temple visit. Kudo to Maeve for asking questions. It is a great way to learn.
Hope you have a great week.
Poor Maevie, nothing but ginger ale and ice cream for you...I'm SURE that'll boost her immune system.
Have you seen Cinderella 3? I wanted to rent it but makenna thought it was lame!
aww poor lil Madigan! she was communing with the sharks! Maeve I loved chatting with you on Saturday and am glad you got to go swimming too. I hope the nasty bug is gone now.
GG looks awesome and I am totally in agreement with making the puzzle pieces fit.
Hey how come no awesome pics of the cake you speak of?
love ya
Flight of the Conchords rocks my pants off.
I finally comment and this is what I have to say. *sigh*
(but it does)
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