Mmmmm Noodles! Here are the two noodle monsters eating a delicious lunch Daddy cooked up while Mommy was at work!
Today i got my hair cut. I think the only way to beat Danica in this hair race is to trim off all the dead ends. Seeing as I haven't had my hair cut in over two years, I can safely say it was time! Michael mocked me for my 'lack of haircut'. He says its the same length as it was before I went in. There was ALOT of hair on the floor! He isn't a fan of the cut and says Danica is going to win. Wow, that is some endorsement! I on the other hand love my cut and am totally rocking my new look!
This blog posting is up just so that Lisa doesn't have to keep looking at the previous one! I think she looks great and so do lots of other peeps but.. I'll do it because I lobe her!
I think your hair looks great Vashti. I'm long overdue for a haircut too, but I don't want to make it shorter. Hmmm how to get rid of dead ends without making your hair shorter.....
Wow, you ARE rockin' that hair cut.
And what a good noodle-making daddy you've got there.
You style and class of your own. THe hair looks great. My hair hasnt' been cut since the end of sept. That is lllooonnggg for me. Hope all is well in Mussellam world. Your kids are soooo cute.. talk to you later,
i am so going to win...again.
my vanity thanks you profusely.
vashti, you look FIERCE! and remember, width beats length hands down....hehehe
hey can I come over for noodles? Michael I had no idea that you could cook...who knew?
Vashti your hair is so beautiful.
The girls are the cutest little noodle eaters I have ever seen.
Love you all
voiceless mama
Rocking that new look vish vash, Man I love noodles cept i learned they are about as healthy as eating a can of lard. MMmmmm lard. Ps I have the hookup for 3 herbs that make your hair grow 23% faster. Buzz me and I will tell you about them
lookin hot Vashti!!! Thank you guys again for all of your help last week!!
Hey I forgot to ask you what the 'ell happened to the links on your blog?
I need to check out the reynolds,shorthouses,and Lisa!
I enjoy lurking on their blogs.
love ya
I love the new family picture! you all look amazing..wowwee !
XX Jac a gogo
Awesome amazing family picture.
You guys look HOT.
Take care,
I think Maeve should be in the hair competion. she would win hands down
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