Tomorrow it is my wonderful friend Lisa Doucette's birthday! I'm so happy she and her family moved back to Vancouver from New Zealand. I honestly do not know what I would do without them. Soooo, big Happy Birthday shout out to Lee Woo Doo! Who loves ya baby?
Lets recap, We rang in the New Year with our good friends Uncle Kenny and Auntie Shannon (their baby due April/May '08) Lots of good times and overpoured Malibu! Shannon, baby and I totally kicked Michael and Kenny's butts at cranium! Woot! Girl power!
My brother married the most beautiful girl in the world.
After my crippling defeat, this year my new years resolution is to win the hair war Danica and I have been fighting. 2007 was her year, its gonna be mine in 2008. Bring it. Set your sights high I always say. Danica, its on!
I am still trying to get my butt to Maeve's school to register her for September! My baby going to kindergarten in September! Sweet jebus what am I going to do! Maybe that should be my first resolution!
First POST!!!
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Too bad you are not here we could go and get some freaky massage.. =) Oh what a night.. =) ha ha ha
Kindergarten?? Oh man I can not believe it... where is the time going?
Kindergarten, Oh, how quickly time flies, coming from a girl whos kids are in kingergarten. It is a new exciting adventure. The girls love it. They ask everyday, Do we have school today? I can't beleive how long your hair is. It looks like a close race. Hope you take time to chill in your busy life. Again, coming from a girl who hardely has time to pee. Take care, have a great day and nice to see you got some time to let the rest of the world know what you are up to.
Love ya
Close race my ass! I schooled that competition. You win in the awesome dye job tho, my hair color is nothing short of sickening, if not then, now, it's a wash out and I looked washed out big time.
Maeve is so elderly now, genius too. I guess there'll be no more weeks at the farm for her! She's got an agenda! First post from a blood relative, I win that, and the hair growth, good luck next year, I'll win it, but it's good to be a good sport about these things. Now if it was a bush growing competition, you'd win hands down.
I could enter an ass growing contest and win! I too cannot believe Maevie poo is going to school, although that is still nine months away!!! It was so awesome to see you Vashti and Michael (cheeky boy) and the wee ones! I LOVED the song..hmmmmm
XXXX post more pictures!!!
Jac gotta do another blog post soz that photo of me and my rubber michelin man neck will be gone. not one of my favorites...
thanks again for the post, but paaleez...change that photo!
Woh! You were not kidding. Your brother really DID marry the most beautiful woman in the world! Hubba Hubba!
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