Yesterday we had a big house tidy. The girls were driving me mental until I gave them a task. Here they are cleaning their best friend! They also cleaned all the window sills and "cleaned" the windows! Even in my blue funk the girls are just so gorgeous and wonderful!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Howdy doody everyone! Well, I have to tell you. I have been having a crappy weekend! I've been angry every day and my fuse is about.. hmm... half a millimeter long. I am snappy, snarky and generally unpleasant to be around. I think I could solve it with a good nights sleep but that doesn't seem to be happenning. The weather isn't helping, but to be this cranky and hot too could probably be worse! So its probably better for me that it is rainy and cruddy out! Ha, sorry about ruining summer for everyone else!
Yesterday we had a big house tidy. The girls were driving me mental until I gave them a task. Here they are cleaning their best friend! They also cleaned all the window sills and "cleaned" the windows! Even in my blue funk the girls are just so gorgeous and wonderful!
Yesterday we had a big house tidy. The girls were driving me mental until I gave them a task. Here they are cleaning their best friend! They also cleaned all the window sills and "cleaned" the windows! Even in my blue funk the girls are just so gorgeous and wonderful!
Dude, I am so sorry about - yet oh so familiar with - the short fuse thing. I'm right there with you. This weather sucks the sunshine right outta me.
Your girls are total sunshine though. L-O-V-E
child labour laws!!
Your sainted mother NEVER made her darlings clean anything ever!!
Still very cute even though slightly abused by a cranky mama.
Hope your day is better today.
Love ya muchly
Sounds like you're in a mood similar to the weather. Been there, Done that. Hate it! Totally makes you feel like a horrible person. There will be sunshine again and your kids will have those special kid moments that make you know it is all worthwhile. Have a better day, Deb
Hey Mitzi, no reason to apologize, you are the mother of 2 kids under 4 years old for christ sakes!!! You rule, you are amazing you are a wonderful Mom. You MADAME, are more patient than most people I know including myself. We all have short-fuses sometimes, you are just writing about your on the blog. I hope your weather improves and I wish I could take you for a a mani/pedi at the pink lime and then off for cocktails and a HUGE plate of chicken wings (you get all the wings, i get the drumettes).
Miss you!
Wow they are certainly thorough aren't they? Sorry your not feeling top notch vish-vash. I am sure you will be back to focusing your precious rage back onto Micheal, who we both know is evil incarnate.Oh by the way thanks for the webcam show the other day it made my whole week!
Love ya
awww Vashti..sorry you're cranky...that sucks. You need a nice treat just for you..hmmm come over to Nanaimo on Wed. and we will help deliver Chay's baby!!
XXJ can now offically ship them off to Deb to join her Domestic Diva crew !!
Crappy weekend had did you... aaaw that sucks...sorry to hear. I'm sure you wonderful husband tried his BEST to make it easy on you...hehehe :)
Oh buck up! Our kids are angels.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (can you detect a theme here?)
Love you guys and have a great anniversary celebration!!
love ya
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