On a side note it is also our wedding anniversary! I guess it is only fair that Mhari's bday is on our anniversary because when Maeve was due to join the world, it was the weekend of Ken and Robin's wedding! So yes, its been 9 long years, and I see his loving eyes... wait a second I think that is a line from a tom cochrane song! Anyhoo, big anniversary day but we aren't doing anything really special. Just having a nice dinner and enjoying our family!
Happy anniversary, Happy anniversary, Happy anniversary, HAPPPPYY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!HAppy happy happy happy happy anniversary, Happy happy happy happy anniversary. Hope you have a lifetime of more. Love ya Deb
Thank you Mussellams...and happy anniversary. What an excellent day!
Happy Anniversary guys!
love Uncle Kenny and Auntie Shannon
Happy Anniversary!
I remember your wedding well!! It was great fun and I loved your blue shoes!
Moose give that woman of yours a cuddle and some kisses...
Oh ya! Happy anniversary! I hope your excellent husband gets that special gift that he deserves on this special day!
Your secret admirer, me.
Happy anniversary kids !!
Such a match made in heaven.
I give you the gift of strenght Vashti.... you will need it.... hehehe
Miss & kisses
P.S -- Nice one Michael....I know that was you...the secrect admirer.
Happy Anniversary Vashti & Michael! I can't believe you didn't mention that on the phone today you slice o' humble pie you. You two really are perfect together. No matter the weather, you both have a smile and a sense of humor to get you through. You are such loving parents and are so supportive of one another and of the girls. I hope that you get a sitter and go out to a fancy dinner to celebrate this weekend, or, if you can't find a sitter, buy a wickedly cool new home for your wonderful family!
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