So this weekend was great! We had a fantastic and entertaining BBQ at Michael's Auntie Lisa's place. Poor Don got to meet the whole family! I'm sure everyone can pass the hat for his psychotherapy bills!
saturday we were invited to a salmon BBQ at Uncle Kenny's place. It was great. The girls swam in Uncle Kenny's pool while I had a nap. I know, awesome parenting!!! Michael did his thang and I had a little zizz! In this heat, I'd have one every day if I could!
As you can see above, Maeve's boyfriend Cole was at the BBQ too! Maeve and he seemed like they had a great time! At one point Maeve went in the house and came back with a baby in her tummy. Fortunately a short delivery brought us a healthy baby doll from Jamaica. I believe Cole's mother is threatening a paternity suit! I don't have time to load up the video but Michael got a good one of them dancing. They are so sweet and innocent and boy do they like each other! They are so innocent, as Uncle Kenny pointed out, that both of them came out pregnant with babies in their tummies!
Last night we picked Michael up from work and grabbed dinner from Safeway! Mmmm sweaty mac'n'cheese and the Plymouth Rock sandwich for us elderly ones! We had our little picanic at 2nd Beach. It was great times... we played on the swings, the slide and then had some icecream! Here is Michael swinging around with the girls!
I'm secretly glad that it is raining today. We are staying in. I've baked bread, whole wheat this time and its pretty good. the girls are clowning around on our bed and seem to be having a gay ole time!
Earlier, we were working on Maeve's name. I drew the dotted lines and she connected them. After showing little to no interest and also after I felt like I was forcing her, she decided her name isn't as exciting as her favorite word.. yes.. TNT dynomite!! God I love my weird kids!
so does this mean we finally get to meet baby albert Maeve??
congrats to both of you!!
the dancing made my heart like mommy and daddy at their own wedding!!
Love ya
Oh Mom, you silly.. when it was Michael and i dancing on our wedding day it was Guns 'N' Roses, not AC/DC silly Mommy!
hahahah oh ya.. thats right bitches.. Michael and I are/were hardcore Axle fans!
Wow your a grandma already, And already having your afternoon nap, Thats cute that maeve has a boyfriend but you must teach her not to give it up so easy, sheesh she's a mussellam for goodness sake...she has a reputat...hahahahaha I couldnt finish it sorry, sorry i tried,
oh, they are soooo cute dancing....i definitely won't show this one to ronan though...that one would cut like a knife.
the girls look so cute and happy and norman rockwelly on the porch. and missing you and your call...
Oh better watch it !!
Yes the Mussellam's are lovers not fighters....hehehe...
Love the blog today and the pictures....I sure do miss you guys and I would have loved to have seen the cute.
Misses and kisses
TNT and God...hmmm what would a child psychologist say about that?
lol.. sweet sweet baby girls and boys...
way to go maeve. Things look as busy as usual at your house too. Things here have gone from busy to chaotic for the next few days. The girls are going to Quesnel with my mom an mary on friday morning until the following thursday. I am leaving friday to go to the states to Everett,for the weekend to shop. THen, coming home sunday and kev is leaving to go fishing on the island at nootka sound for 5 days with his mom and Deano and Kev's aunty laura. It is busy. I have to work so, I can't go. I may even be going to the states all by myself. Corrina might not be able to go and I have booked a room. I plan of shopping and spending time on me for a couple days. I won't go on because it really isn't my blog. Hope all continues to go well for you. Have a good night Deb
It's ironic that the girls are singing a chorus from what I consider one of the worst bands in the world (oh yes, I said it). Damn you Uncle Brodie.
Give me Metallica or GNR any day.
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