And lots of them!
Camping was actually really great! Friday we loaded up the car, picked up Michael from work and were on the dusty trail to Uncle Kenny's by 2:00. Some might ask why I mentioned what time we were on the road and the answer is, because we are ALWAYS late! Careful and cunning planning got us to Uncle Kenny's in time only to be delayed by a blown fuse!
Fuse replaced, we loaded up the caravan as follows; Uncle Kenny Auntie Shan in the truck pulling their trailer. Clan Mussellam lugging around Uncle Kenny's boat and finally by Uncle Deaner following us closely due to the lack of tail lights on the boat trailer! Yikes!
We got to our awesome campsite in one piece. It was very windy.. Kilby lake was decidedly choppy. We thought nothing of it and began the inital mosquito smacking. Camp was made, trailer was leveled... we dropped the boat at the launch and rendezvoused to discuss optimal tent pitching position! The mens put up the tent and the ladies tried to dodge mosquitos.

Here is our site from the beach,

Uncle Kenny made all our meals and they were excellent. Auntie Shan and I and the Deaner did the dishes (them more than me.. ehhehe sorry!) Michael and Kenny went fishing... IDIOTS! they did catch fish tho so.. heheh..

Saturday was our site neighbours wedding.. yes.. they got married on the windiest beachfront clogged with the MOST mosquitos I have ever seen. All in all tho, beautiful wedding.. gorgeous.. absolutely gorgeous wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses were really nice too.. hint hint... Auntie Shan's fam dropped by and we got to meet htem. Nice peeps! As we were gabbing someone looked up and saw the okanaga fruit dood trolling the site.. not an ice cream truck of course... even better! I ran after him shouting cherries... he didn't think I was funny... hehehe I did... I also mentioned to him I'd been chasing him for a block... crickets.... ahahha I'm hilarious! I got cherries and apricots and Auntie Shan got raspberries. The girls devoured the cherries and then I pointed Madigan at Auntie Shan's! hahahah wanna know how to make raspberries dissappear? Show them to Madigan!
After laughing that the okanagan fruit dood was ok but he was no ice cream man, what do you think pulled up with it's speakers a blarin? Yup, thats right.. the ice cream truck. Uncle Deaner treated everyone to ice cream. He is such a good man! I secretly hoped the next truck to roll up would be some sort of Mosquito annihilator but no such luck!
Maeve spent the whole day with her boyfriend Cole. They looked like they had the time of their lives! He lifted her off logs, saved her from well, I don't know what but she was yelling save me and he did! They played hide adn seek and they held hands ALOT! If you are wondering what is on his head, you obviously didn't believe me about the mosquito problem. Or, like many of you feel that since I am prone to exaggeration perhaps I was in this too. Well, this time I absolutely was not exaggerating.. and Cole is allergic to mosquito bites!

Saturday night Uncle Deaner and Auntie Shan got totally powned at crib. I didnt' just beat them. I wiped the floor with them! ha.. I am all that is man! I am also able to control Shannon with my mind power. Whenever she cut for me I would request outloud, the card I needed. It happened more than once and I am fucken rights! S'cuse the language but its true! Here is Uncle Deaner doing some power lifting, you all know which one got lifted first!

sunday we woke up with no wind.. that meant no mosquito defense... we tucked tail and ran like the wind!
Ahhh camping at Kilby... oh the memories.. at least Shannon is lucky, she'll have the scars to remember this mosquito experience by.. I'm hoping lots of drink and many years will make this one a dim memory!
Just kidding!` I had a blast and I'd do it again.. some minor modifications.. you know, like wearing an iron suit but it was great fun! thanks Uncle Kenny, Auntie Shannon and Uncle Deaner!