Here is Sara and Maeve having a cute off! Maeve won! hahaha just kidding.. anyway, Michael is taking the girls to schookl right now and I have had the whole morning off. How nice!! How very nice!! He is of course keeping Madigan.. she is much to young for school!!
Since there haven't been any pics of Clan Mussellam since I stipoodly left the card at my Mom's.. here is a nother one of Our Maevey!

Here is the sweetest picture of Maeve and Madigan.. Auntie Sara captured it and I stole it from her blog!!

Ohh she is cute. That means Maeve, Sara is cute too but, your right, she does look great and by that I saw her in a bathing suit last week and she makes me cringe. It just isn't fair. Damn Genetics. Hope all is well. Sounds like you got a much deserved morning off. Have a great evening. Take care, Deb( oh, I think I even got the first post< sorry)
and first family post (not that you aren't close Deb, but I takes what I can get)
all of the pics are great but you are right the one of maeve and madigan is downright gorgeous!!!
Madigan's eyes are as usual INCREDIBLE!
Hope your day was good and that your spelling improves!! Maybe YOU could take Maeve to schookl and learn something?
love ya
owwww mama! try playing scrabble with her! I LOVE the photo of Maeve, it is absolutlyfanfrigginbeautiful! (worth 157 points) Glad to hear you had a break Vashti!
gotta see you guys one of these days soon!
luv Jac
Although Maeve could easily win, please don't ever enter her in one of those toddler beauty pageants!I cannot get over how angelic, gorgeous, and insanely cute she looks in those photos!
Those are some gorgeous babies you make over there!
I agree Lisa, and she would certainly win UNLESS her sister was running against her!! What a pair of beauties! They get it from their Mama's side (sorry Susan).
I think the parents are kinda cute too though.
Love ya all
Oooo, I can totally see the resemblence, I think Sara has lost her edge, But then again not looking like a bag of crap next to maeves cuteness is a stellar accomplishment, I think maeve looks very musseleamish, cept in a good way.
The eye yes.. are beautiful.. BUT what about those CHEEKS!! they are sooooo sweet!
big kisses and lots of love to all of you posting bitches.. (and to the models in the photos of course)
You know I live for them!
love ya muchly
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