We had some delicious fish and chips for lunch. The kids seemed to really enjoy the fish while I enjoyed the chips! Maeve and Madigan ate the lemons... crazy girls! After lunch, Granny Gracie treated all the kids to a nice drippy, gigantic chocolate ice cream cone! What a treat!! After lunch we took Granny Gracie home and the girls had a nice car nap. I managed to transfer both of them from the car, to the stroller and up into the apartment! Maeve slept until 5!!!!!
Maeve and Granny Gracie went on a walk over the bridge through the japanese garden. I thought this picture was sweet!
We had a family dinner date later around 6. Michael walked from work to the Whitespot on Cambie where everyone had a nice dinner. Uncle Brad, Auntie Sara, Jakers, Auntie Erin and the Clan Mussellam had a really great time! Jakers was a little tired so he and fam left after pirate paks. Auntie Erin, and the Clan Mussellam headed up to Douglas Park for some more play time! Also, to burn some steam since Maeve slept until 5! Here is a rare pic! All smiles! Even one from Madigan!!

I had a really nice day yesterday. I sure do love my family! Erin is so happy and in love and beautiful and skinny. Sara and Brad love Jakers so much and we love them all so much too! As much as I enjoyed England, I am so happy to be home. I love being able to go and spend a week on the Island with my family and also have Sara, Brad and Jakers come over here and spend time with them too! ! Family time is just the best and I'm so lucky to have you as my family! I love you all very much and I'm so happy we have the luxury of proximity!
Nice post, Princess, even if it was a bit mushy at the end.
We need a better camera.
michael you robbed me of first post!! AND I had a head's up.
Oh well
granny grace looks awesome and so do the rest of you! My camera needs to be better too as I look awful and old in all my pics. Was thinking of putting vaseline on the lens...whaydoya think?
love and snuggles
Awww....your almost made me cry there v. knock it off! your family and extended family ties are an inspiration to me. i wish i was closer to my family and your post made me miss them even more than i already did. this is the longest 9and farthest) i have ever been away from my mom (over 9 months now) and i am feeling the pull. i bet you appreciate them even more now after living abroad (i know i do).
you are sweet and good on ya for expressing your love to your family!
hmmm, I resemble that remark felix! sweet sweet pictures Vashti, so nice for the gang to be together again! is Granny Grace Michaels granny? aww great grannies are awesome. Erin looks fantastic! Welcome back Sara and Jake! Ev keep the vaseline where it belongs, and just take off your glasses when looking at the pictures, works for me! luv ya all XXX jac
What a nice picture of Erin and the kiddies...you do have a beautiful family! Enjoy your weekend!
I bet it's nice to be home, even though you still havent seen me. Im happy you guys are at least in my realm. I will see you soon enough, I would say I can't wait but Im a little nervous so 6 weeks doesnt seem that far away. You all look wonderful, glad to know your keeping busy and having fun! God those are beautiful girls!!
Love & Hugz
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