Saturday night as you all know Mel's water broke and we were waiting patiently! Well.. ok, I wasn't patient. I phoned the hospital and got updates from the nurses! Mel and Monkey did SOOOO well! After a long and hard and tiring labour... they have a beautiful baby boy! He is gorgeous! I was lucky enough to score a visit yesterday! Mommy, Daddy and little one are doing FANTASTICALLY! i'm not sure if that even is a word... anyway.. they are great and he is gorgeous! I have pics and the name but I'm holding off until I get the all clear...I'm not actually related but man do I love that child!
Here is another child I love, she is just like Daddy! Here is how she'll pass the time waiting to meet the new baby!
The girls and I are hanging out at home today. Cleaning up, tidying up and getting ready for our big camp out this weekend. We, along with the whole family, are going camping at Cumberland Campgrounds in the Comox Valley. Should be lots of fun! The Clan Mussellam is going to attempt to take the ferry over tonight.. if we don't make it, for certain an early morning ferry! We are looking forward to a fantastic campout.. even if it winds up a bit soggy!
Love the flower pics.. they are so gorgeous.. (the girls that is..)
Happy trails.. and don't let the bed bugs bite.. (and mosquitos.. and ticks.. and no-see-ems.. etc.... ). I am way too Yaletown for camping these days.. I might smudge my pedi or something.
p.s yah ha ha.. first post.. your family is getting slow!
first family post beotch!!
well a beotch anyway!
great photos and nice that that boy has finally made his debut!! Mel and Monkey CONGRATULATIONS!
and g'bye to Anna from me!
I love the pics of all of you, Michael you look decidedly svelte. What is your secret?
love ya
Congrats to your friends, have fun camping. (it is going to get nice some day I am sure of it). Sorry to hear your friends had to leave. Glad you had a good visit. YOur kids are gorgeous. You are a great mom and friend. Deb
Mother, only I can call the women I love beotches!! And, it isn't first FAMILY post.. its first post BEOTCH!
Now, that being said, suck up your secondary status and post on your own damn blog!!
hahaha love you mom!
Whoa, those girls of yours are beautiful.
So bummed we missed Anna...but so excited you'll be in the Valley this weekend.
Hope we get to see you! Maybe we'll just have to show up at the CC and cruise camp sites drinking Lucky and "looking" for the Mussellams:)
Eewww, can't believe you guys drink lucky! :P
I think you have our numbers if you want to meet up, but honestly, if you thought I was bad you might want to skip this family event! Almost everyone that is coming is related to me and i'm not even the loudest nor most obnoxious!
Awww, it looks like you guys had so much fun with Anna! You all look so happy and relaxed. Gorgeous shots of the gorgeous girls and your camping trip sounds exciting! Even if it does get soggy, I bet your clan won't mind- you are such a loving family you will have fun anyways. I can't wait to hear all about it and see photos.
Have a great weekend Mussellams! I hope the rain holds off for us all,
luv Jac
hey I did post!
have a wonderful time this weekend and try to miss me a tiny bit@
I love you
word verification says: fiuknv hmmmmmmmm those of you that are envious take note!
Jesus mom!! you're on Vacation!! GET OFF THE BLOG STALKING!!!
Jac must not be that entertaining with a hang over.
Anyways, I'm awaiting your arrival, should be here any minute,
I think I hear your car now!!
PS, Michael, I just farted on your pillow.
My secret? Years of my Mom saying "Stand up straight or you'll get horrible rounded shoulders". That and these tips:
-suck in the gut
-don't breath
-don't look directly at the camera and try to stand at a 3/4 angle to the camera
-wear black
There ..vain enough? :P
How was the camping trip??
Happy Canada Day! (well a day late but I do not get to the computer much here)
Miss you guys!! Sure had a great time!!
Even though you dont need my posts with your numbers so large that you had to put a counter on your webpage when my and rows could use a hand, I will post sheerly to point out that I have the most beautiful nieces in the world, I want that pic of Maeve reading the conan comic and loving it apparantly, What a cool kid. Does she like comics? What else do they like, cmon people i need christmas ideas here
wow, 15th post! that has to be a record somewhere! Looks like fun fun fun was had by all this past weekend...well except for Robbie home all alone..actually he put 500 clicks on my new car so I am a bit suspiscious ...hmmm...
XXXX to all... you all look fantastic! those baby girls are so beautiful I can hardly stand it!
16....16 !!!
aaaaah.....who can ever forget that.....I hear it ringing through my head all the time...hahaha....
Hope you all had a great time campin. I didn't know that you guys were going to the Comox Valley area....I would have said to stop Horne Lake for a visit. Well really I think I am the asshole cause I don't think I even asked where you were goin...nice sister eh...oops !!
Call when you get to hear all about it.
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