Thursday, June 28, 2007

Big big week!

Boo.. our visit with Anna has come to an end. It was very hard to give her back to the Reynoldsez! We had a great ladies night! Good visit! Good times all the way around!

Saturday night as you all know Mel's water broke and we were waiting patiently! Well.. ok, I wasn't patient. I phoned the hospital and got updates from the nurses! Mel and Monkey did SOOOO well! After a long and hard and tiring labour... they have a beautiful baby boy! He is gorgeous! I was lucky enough to score a visit yesterday! Mommy, Daddy and little one are doing FANTASTICALLY! i'm not sure if that even is a word... anyway.. they are great and he is gorgeous! I have pics and the name but I'm holding off until I get the all clear...I'm not actually related but man do I love that child!

Here is another child I love, she is just like Daddy! Here is how she'll pass the time waiting to meet the new baby!

The girls and I are hanging out at home today. Cleaning up, tidying up and getting ready for our big camp out this weekend. We, along with the whole family, are going camping at Cumberland Campgrounds in the Comox Valley. Should be lots of fun! The Clan Mussellam is going to attempt to take the ferry over tonight.. if we don't make it, for certain an early morning ferry! We are looking forward to a fantastic campout.. even if it winds up a bit soggy!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Hello everyone! I can't show you how excited I am! I got a text on my phone last night.. well 1:53am that Mel and Monkey's baby journey was beginning! Mel's water broke around 12 and the last I talked to them they were in a holding pattern. Midwives were due back at their place around 5 but I haven't heard anything since! I am so excited to meet this little guy! I know Mel and Monkey are going to be great parents! I can't wait to see them in action! Parenting action that is.. not active labour action! So, send all your love and positive thoughts their way! Come on Hockey Jesus! We are waiting so axiously to meet you! Here is Mel, Maeve, Milo, Ange, Theo and Hockey Jesus (barely visible because Mel happens to be the most perfect pregnant person)

Here is some more exciting news.

Our good friends the Reynoldzes have made their way to LA.. after a stopover with the always lovely Scott Family, they finally made it to Bozeman Montana where the origional Mr&Mrs Reynolds were anxiously awaiting them! They were a day late and I can imagine, more than a little exhausted, after a forced layover due to aircraft malfunction. Anna and I are on the same page being thankful the malfunction was discovered on the ground and not in the air! Soooo Anna will be here tomorrow!! I pick her up at 11:25! Can't wait to see her it has been almost 2 years!

I wish we had the whole Reynolds family but we'll for sure take Anna!

Hopefully she'll want to do some of the crappy touristy stuff she never got to do while she lived here! Oh the poor girls is probably jonesing for STARBUCKS! This is going to be one of my best weeks ever!!!!

So remember, think safe delivery and safe flight thoughts for our friends!


Well, all I can say is... I'm glad we didn't go camping after all! What a wet wet wet weekend!

Yesterday was a bit of a treat. Michael, Maeve and Uncle Kenny drove to check out a campsite we will stay at when dryer weather appears! So, while Daddy and Maeve were away, Madigan and I spent the whole day together! Here are some pics of Maeve and Uncle Kenny, and our potential campsite!

We had breakfast at De Dutch (my fave), with Auntie Sara, Jakers and Auntie Erin. AFter a less than great breaky(boo) we drove to kits for some retail therapy ! We didn't actually buy anything but we did use their bathrooms for Madigan! She is doing such a great job! After stolling 4th Ave for a bit, we called Gramma Mimi and red rovered her to the playground near her house! She came out and played with us for a bit before we had to get Sara to the ferry for Uncle Brad's bday bash!

Happy Birthday Uncle Brad!!

Erin took Madigan and I home and on the way I said, "I have to hit some of these garage sales for some extra chairs for the dining table." Then I was going on and on about how I don't have any weekends free so i can't hit the garagee sales. I look out the window and pabam... 4 free dining room chairs! Perfect!! I wedged them in Auntie Erin's car and we drove home!

After a shortish car nap, Madigan woke up and we hung out at home with Auntie Erin. "No Mommy, stop singing." is Madigan's longest sentence to date! How rude!!! I was singing some classic Charlotte Diamond. Apparently it wasn't up to snuff! We had some delicious burritos for dinner and Madigan went to bed at a relatively decent hour! Michael and Maeve got in around 9:30. I had them pick up this sweet dresser I picked up on craigs' list! Wahhooo it is actually pretty awesome too! I'll get pictures later! I'll leave you with pictures of me Maeve and our babushka.. or new baby... you choose!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Boooo rain... booo...

Oh well, it isn't sweltering!

On tuesday we hit trout lake hard... Auntie Sara and Jakers too! Our friend Cathy met us and we had a very nice visit! We didn't take too many pictures.. just this!

We have guests today... Auntie Sara and Baby Jakers!

We might take them to a waterpark.. not sure.. I'm researching it as we speak!

Here is Maeve taking a pic by herself of herself at dinner last night...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007






Happiest birthday to my Mother. The woman who gave me life!

Mom, I absolutely love you and here are some reasons why:

You are a great lady.
You always do the right thing even when it is hard.
You love with your whole heart!
You have the heartspace to love all children equally.
You always want the best for those you love.
You would give anyone the shirt off your back.
You are the first to offer a helping hand.
You make wickid awesome cinnamon buns.
You love Michael, Erin and Sara like they were your own!

Michael adds he loves you because:
You believe him when no one else does!

Happy Birthday Mom, I hope your day was the best. I hope your dinner out was fantastic. I hope you managed to not dance on the table after having a max of 2 drinks. I hope that if you did get up and dance after those 2 drinks that you got to smash some plates greek style!

Love you Mom! Here are some videos so you can see how much my Mom loves!

Friday, June 15, 2007


Hallo faithful readers! So, yesterday we hit Garry Point in Steveston with Granny Gracie! I had a blast! The girls did well and so did Jakers and Zilla (sara's dog). Granny Grace pointed out all the cool things, a sea of lupins (blue flowers), where the kids skate in the winter when it is frozen and all the boats going in and out from the docks! The kids all made for a big hole of dirt/sand and seemed to have a blast! We brought out the bubbles and the big blue ball and watched them romp!

We had some delicious fish and chips for lunch. The kids seemed to really enjoy the fish while I enjoyed the chips! Maeve and Madigan ate the lemons... crazy girls! After lunch, Granny Gracie treated all the kids to a nice drippy, gigantic chocolate ice cream cone! What a treat!! After lunch we took Granny Gracie home and the girls had a nice car nap. I managed to transfer both of them from the car, to the stroller and up into the apartment! Maeve slept until 5!!!!!

Maeve and Granny Gracie went on a walk over the bridge through the japanese garden. I thought this picture was sweet!

We had a family dinner date later around 6. Michael walked from work to the Whitespot on Cambie where everyone had a nice dinner. Uncle Brad, Auntie Sara, Jakers, Auntie Erin and the Clan Mussellam had a really great time! Jakers was a little tired so he and fam left after pirate paks. Auntie Erin, and the Clan Mussellam headed up to Douglas Park for some more play time! Also, to burn some steam since Maeve slept until 5! Here is a rare pic! All smiles! Even one from Madigan!!

I had a really nice day yesterday. I sure do love my family! Erin is so happy and in love and beautiful and skinny. Sara and Brad love Jakers so much and we love them all so much too! As much as I enjoyed England, I am so happy to be home. I love being able to go and spend a week on the Island with my family and also have Sara, Brad and Jakers come over here and spend time with them too! ! Family time is just the best and I'm so lucky to have you as my family! I love you all very much and I'm so happy we have the luxury of proximity!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Well you may have noticed a decided lack of posting around here. Well, sadly our memory card is still MIA. Since the memory card is missing, here is a pic from memory lane! This in our lounge in England. You can see our garden in the back there. No I am not squishing the child. You can see I am still in my jim jams!

This shot was taken on our canon or KAHH-NoNN as they say in England. The photographer, well she is a gorgeous little girl named Maeve Adera!

Michael very helpfully located our spare memory card and hopefully today I can grab some pics of our picnic with Granny Gracie!


Monday, June 11, 2007


helo helooo happy weekend! Hopefully Barb is recovering nicely after her birthday!!! We had some visitors for dinner last night. Yes, Lady Sara and Sir Jacob Barry George Wingfield graced us with their presence! It was great to see them. we really missed them! Sara looked so great.. .cow... jakers was cute as ever!

Here is Sara and Maeve having a cute off! Maeve won! hahaha just kidding.. anyway, Michael is taking the girls to schookl right now and I have had the whole morning off. How nice!! How very nice!! He is of course keeping Madigan.. she is much to young for school!!

Since there haven't been any pics of Clan Mussellam since I stipoodly left the card at my Mom's.. here is a nother one of Our Maevey!

Here is the sweetest picture of Maeve and Madigan.. Auntie Sara captured it and I stole it from her blog!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Someone has a big day tomorrow!

Happy Birthday Barb!!! Hope your day is fantastic! I know it is tomorrow, I figured catch you today before you 'celebrate'! Hope all your girls show you a great time while your rude and lazy husband is up at Whistler playing golf!

Since I can't b3 in victoria to give you a real one, this drink is on me!

Have a very happy birthday from all of us here at Crazy Clan Mussellam!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


hidey ho everyone!~!

You'll notice that we havent' blogged in a bit. Why you ask? Because Vashti the moron (moi) forgot the memory card for our camera at the farm!

So, we are enjoying Michael's time off. Because he is so great at what he does, and also because he put in so many extra hours... AP has given Michael this week, and half of next week off!

My Mom is going to send the card to us soon, we'll try and get some pics up later! We are going to attempt to go camping with the girls!! woot!

xo and peace bitches!