Yesterday was a GREAT day! The sun was shining so, with our double stroller back in action, I loaded up the girls and struck out towards Kensignton Community Center. I've registered Maeve for a few preschool type classes and Yoga for myself! I figured it was going to be at least a half hour walk and to tell the truth, I was totally dreading it! Turns out it is a less than 10 minute walk along some cherry tree lined streets! Sweet! The park is great, they had sand, swings and a pretty cool climber with sides for big kids and sides for littler ones! So this was the first YAY.
Today Mark from Shaw came and hooked a brother up. We now have cable, internet and digital phone! Wahoooo, YAY number two!
Two lovely gentlemans from a little company called, "IKEA" phoned me to tell me my couch will be arriving in 5 minutes! Not 5 weeks, not 5 days, 5 minutes! Yay number 3
Now the boo stuff... boo means Vashti's oral surgery.... boo also means all the people at th eoffice who said, "its not a big deal" were not only liars, but liars that have never experienced the pain that is the first stage of a tooth implant. It is not fine, it is not easy.. I would rather give birth to be perfectly honest!
So, tooth removed, implant placed, bone graft done.. check check check.. last thing is my "flipper" tooth.. basically a tooth on a retainer to hold the space open, and also so i don't look any more hill billy than i already do... Well, wonderful Dentist places flipper tooth retainer in my mouth and... of course it doesn't fit! He says, you are ok to go without one until we get a new one right'? I was... uhh... ya.. really what are my options.. he sort of laughs and says.. well I'll just modify this one and we'll get anew one for you on tuesday... nice.. so that is yay yay yay boo boo booooo day from me...
The above pic is me and my new fake tooth on my sweet sweet couch with just one of the three people that I love so much
this is vashti, out!
Oh Vashti, so sorry to hear about your tooth trials...not fun, not pleasant..not cheap either! Everyone looks great tho, so glad the park is close by! and the couch is in..and the cables on..things are looking like home I bet! Spring is on the way, and hopefully we will see you all soon!!
keep smilin! luv Jac (first you know what!)
I feel your pain sister, I still have to get my wisdoms (which are growing sideways under my gums) pulled... they can't do it while Im pregnant though.... Maybe I should just keep poppin them out. Ha ha.... no but poor you!!!
You all look wonderful!!!
Glad there was good news too... you deserve some.
Good to hear that you are settling back into your new/old home. That's sucks about the dentist though. Going to the dentist the never fun. I'm not sure I would take going through birth to the dentist since I have yet to have the oh so pleasant birthing experience, but I can say that going for a trip to the dentist is definately not high on my list of fun things things to do.
Not nice Vashti, Your poor mouth. Hooray for all the good stuff. Good to see all is starting to settle down in your new adventures. Hope you have a great day and good luck with the new tooth. Deb
wowzers! you have been a busy little bee! sorry to hear bout your "it's ok if you don't have a front tooth, right" incident. what was he thinking. you should have answered "sure billy bob, untill then i'll just go stick a piece of corn in the spot." dentists, huh. anyway, looks like all of you are doing very very well. we miss you a whole bunch over here on this side of the pond. give your girls a huge hug from all of us over here!
I believe Tig had a friend that they called corn tooth!! Kathy suggests a chiclet instead, looks and tastes better and you get a whole package of them!
Hope today is as beautiful as yesterday and instead of the last event being a 'boo' that it is a 'yay'.
Michael you look after her !
love you
awww, well isn't that pic mysteriously dark!! Can't wait to come break in your couch with the Michaels...yes i pluralize it, because your husband is a pervert, and i think mine is trailing right behind him, literally, you saw the rip in the pants....
Hope you feel better vash, CALL soon and call often!
your new 'hood sounds great and hoorah for the new ikea sofa (drool). i sure miss ikea, but don't get me started.
oh my, that tooth situation sounds dreadful and very painful and i am so sorry to hear of your misadventures in dentistry. that dental "humor" is just not funny to anyone other than the dentist. i hope that you will feel better soon. the photo is dark, so i couldn't make out your tooth, but your long hair tendrils are absolutely sexy and fabulous! when one glamour door closes (tooth drama) a style window opens (fab hair).
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