Poor sweet, empathetic Maeve; her little sister is a bossy bruiser!
After months of living a devil-may-care lifestyle in the backwoods of England, the Clan has moved onto the next leg of the wacky adventure and are transported back to the unruly urban melting pot of Vancouver, Canada. Let's move closer to see what Daddy Michael, Mommy Vashti, Big Sister Maeve and Little sister Madigan are up to now...
aww sweet madigan, when you are little, sometimes you have to be rough!! Hang in there Maeve, it will get better one day (although from your smiling face, it looks like it can't get much better !)
I love you all
oh and FIRST POST TOO!!! take that gogoakabubbles
Aww poor little Maeve, she has a bully for a little sister. She doesn't seem to be too bothered by Madigan's rough play though, Maeve's still smiling through it all. What a trooper.
I can totally identify. Poor Maeve. Those little sisters can be a bit of a bother. The girls get a little pushed around from Our lovely MISS M,as well. She is a tough little cookies for a kid who isn't even 2 yet. Hope you have a great Earth Day. Deb
I can't tell if they are playing or fighting. Either way, Maeve looks like she's kind of having fun.
What a little brute, are they fighting over clothes already? Maeve are you borrowing your little sisters tops? that spells death in many family's I wonder who she gets her temper from...hmmmm....so many choices,
haha, cute shot! the first of many tearing clothes off each others backs..oh wait that is me projecting...Pam used to scoop my freshly ironed clothes while I was in the shower...errr...
Happy Earth day is right! I will forward you the e mail about standing for peace on mothers day Vashti, we are doing it up here!(5 minutes of silence) 6th Post! yeah...its the new black,Jac
i love those photos! madigan is ready for the wwf! what up with the broke-down cardboard boxes in the background... were you passing on your legendary nanaimo style break-dancing skills to the girls...you really are a full-service mom vashti.
They're clearly fighting over who loves me the best...not sure who's winning
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