How GORGEOUS was it this weekend? So gorgeous we went alllll the way out to Maple Ridge to kick it with Uncle Kenny. Uncle Kenny bought a boat last weekend and he was itching to take it out for a spin this weekend. So wagons ho, we started out for Aloette Lake. SSOOOOOOO gorgeous! Great provincial campground to boot! Unfortch, no dock so we couldn't launch Uncle Kenny's new boat. Boo... no worries tho, we are in BC! So, back up into the wagons we go and head out for Pitt Lake! Success!! We launched the boat.. unfortch again, the battery was dead! Poor Poor Uncle Kenny! Uncle Kenny took the boat home and we stayed at Pitt Lake to let the girls roam! How 'bout that view!!!!!!
After the day's excitement we sparked up the firepit and Unkle Ken crisped up a couple of marshmallows for Maeve. She loved the first one perferred then told Uncle Kenny, " I want a clean one not a dirty one." Hahahah after he painstakingly roasted one to a perfect shade of caramel the little ingrate requests a clean one... Classic! Daddy, was forced to eat the rest of the roasted ones.
Ha Ha Bitches I'm even the first to post.That was nice of you guys to mention your time out at my place.But i fail to see any pictures of me to actually verify my presence.
Uncle Kenny
you know you were there!
Aaaah thats poopy for Uncle Kenny !!! Hope the boats in working order for when we come to town....hahahhaha. Not fun getting stuck on a lake with a baby....been there done that.
Anywho, the pics look fantastic. Loved to have been there. We'll catch you on the flipside. WORD and Peace OOOOOUT
What a gorgeous trip and fantastic photos- like postcards.Looks like the little ladies are happy to be back in their homeland....all 3 of them.
miss and love you!
Looks like you guys had a blast. It was sure nice on The weekend. Toasted marshmallows are way better than burnt. Your daughter has dicerning tastes. Have a great day Deb
awww Michael what an amazing daddy to eat ALL those badly roasted marshmallows. Maeve & Madigan you just don't know how lucky you are! I wonder if somehow you 4 might jinx equipment?? Poor unca kenny and no pictures to boot. Was it because his purple, screaming face was unpresentable to a G crowd? (or is that just our immediate family that would be screaming profanities when any piece of machinary fails them) It looks like you all had fun at least.
Love ya
she demands perfection, and rightly so!! Gorgeous pics lady, wait, you're in them, Michael COULDNT Have taken these!
Wow it's so beautiful there. I sometimes forget what a wonderful place I come from until I see pictures again. Can't wait to come back and live in BC again.
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