After we recovered from the great marshmallow consumption fest that was '07, Maeve and I had a date! Yes that is right. Maeve and I ditched Michael and Madigan and went for brunch with my friend Mel. "Melly" as Maeve calls her was a good date! We had french toast, some expensive coffee, and did alot of window shopping! Mel didn't complain once! How nice! Maeve had a tough time walking and requested some sort of Camel service. Being said Camel, I drew the line and said for every block she walked I'd carry her one! We made it to the bay and picked up (after what seemed like hours) a couple of things for the girls. Bubbles and a barbie kite! Mel found the kite and Maeve found the bubbles.
After our awesome bay finds, we sent Mel home and Michael came and picked us up. Off we went to Kits beach for some spectacular weather and kite flying! Not to mention the serious bubble blowing. It was AWESOME! We had literally GAZILLIONS of bubbles! The wind was perfect! If you squint you can see Madigan flying the kite by herself too!
She amazed everyone walking past! They couldn't believe a "baby" was flying a kite... ok ok as usual I exaggerate.. it was just one lady that said it! but you know how we like to exaggerate in the blogosphere!
We just have to keep Paul Pat away from our kite and maybe it'll last longer than the last one did! hahaha burn paul.. burn!