Yesterday we didn't leave the apartment! How awesome was that.. NOT... I felt like poop and the girls didn't seem to mind! This might sound horribly offensive to some of you but the girls logged alot of balconey time! I like to think they were viewing the urban jungle! Madigan got a little playtime on the computer. As you can see she loved it! PS turn down your speakers!
Today we hit Science world with the Kwan D'eons. We played in the kids section for a bit and then had a very cool picnic. The kids seem to really get along together. REally nice for me and Ange! After lunch we hit the first of 2 playgrounds. Fun fun fun! We only played at the first playground for a bit and i didn't actually grab any pics. Ange did and she is going to send them to me... Park #2 was a big hit! We slid, mokey barred (me not the kids) and goofed around! Poor Ange discovered where Maeve gets her heriditary plumbers bum. Sorry bout that my friend! And here are all the kids at the same time!! In the same pic!!!
ps Mel, don't forget to check on your boys
Wow, look at you MusseDeonKwans.
How awesome!
Good times, people. Good times!
Your girls are cute as ever. Science World sure looks like fun!
Hooray for double dates on a sunny Spring Vancouver day! Sounds like so much fun. I checked out the Melanie Blog-you are HILARIOUS (!) and such a good friend to all of us who know and love you. So happy to hear your voice this morn'.
aaah madigan looks so adorable in her vid. Smart little monkey playing on the puter. Looks like you guys are having a blast with the kwans.
Do those balls float or are you throwing them at our cute but severely undercoordinated niece, I like the cars in the park too, four steering wheels two in the back to boot, Hmm, so thats where my wife learned it from.
Great stuff vashti, post soon.
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