Here are the girls having a morning pj couch tv time!
Ok, so it wasn't a total reunion but my high school friend Vanessa came over from Nanaimo for a visit. My highschool friend (more mine than Vanessas' anyway) Mel came out for dinner with us. We went to the Cactus Club.. I had one of my favorites and it wasn't that great. Looks like I'm going to have to go out for dinner without the kids at least one more time! hahahahha I had a great time. I tried to not talk about the girls too much. Vanessa is out of the baby phase as her gorgeous daughter (see photo) Avery is 9 almost 10. Avery is really polite and really quiet. She is also an amazing gymnast who might teach Maeve how to do a cartwheel! After dinner at the cactus club we went to "Death by Chocorat" It was great.. ok, the whipcream was fantastic but the slab of fudge that I ordered wasn't good. In all fairness the chocorat lady did try to dissuade me from ordering it so... at least I didn't eat a whole piece of cake.. just my whipcream, Vannessa's and Avery's! Hahahah some things never change!!!
It is nice to hook up and visit with old friends. Your kids look great. Hope you had a great visit. We are coming to Vancouver on Monday if you have time I would love to see you guys. Let me know. We have to be in on the first boat and Em's eye Appt is on Broadway and Willow. I am going to be there around 9:45 or so. Hope you have a great week. Love Deb
I think the word verifier is trying to tell me something, ThSpob!, I don't know what a spob is, but i want one. Anyhow wow mel looks great and so do my nieces, although they are a little cuter when they have clean faces, is that the new digs? or are you still in the expensive shack? Too bad nobody blogs anymore, I never know whats going on with you guys, Me and Row are going to make a final post and then closer down we think, Too much work for too many lurkers.
I will keep posting though,
Unca Tee
Well Mel probably does look great, however that picture is of Vanessa ya Spob!!!
Avery if you are reading this, please know that I will have cinnie buns at your avail over the Easter holiday!!
Can you teach me to cartwheel? Maeve is not nearly such a challenge after me !
You all look wonderful and I am left wondering if Death by Chocorat is a Japanese version of Death by Chocolate, perhaps to be eaten with chopsticks ?
Loves ya
Cactus Club and Death by chococlate disappointing, eh...Sounds like you may have been spoiled by all the cutting edge, fresh-as-can-be innovative cuisine of Leamington Spa. What does Vancouver have in the way of yummy vittles anywho!
(just kidding....we are DYING for the sushi, indian food, chinese food, greek food and canadian cuisine in a big way. this island is lacking in the variety department. if they have a fish, they will batter it and deep fry it over here...perhaps a la leamington spa).
Holy crap Vanessa looks exactly the same!! And her daughter looks just like her!! GWORRRGEOUS!!
Nice work getting the names mixed up tig, nice one catching that mom....
The girls are getting so big..... and soooo beautiful!!! Glad you went out and had fun, you should do it more often!!!
when is the clan comin up this way?
WOW I can't get over how big the girls are getting. How much does Madigan weigh now and how tall is she? Maybe cause i'm with jake every waking second I don't notice, but I think he's not getting much taller. hmmm Anywho. Loves and hugs. I can't wait to get together with everyone
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