Yesterday was gorgeous. Plan was to walk to science world meet up with the shorthouse fam. We got rolling, snack was packed, girls were ready, more remarkably I was ready! Off we go, half a block in Madigan falls asleep. Perfect right? Ya baby.. then I decide, ooh I should have some money for lunch so I pop into the old 7 11 for some bank machine action and start looking for my wallet. Great... no wallet.. Madigan sleeping in the buggy... now we are going to be late... and have no money. I thought I was so prepared! Back we go to the apt.. collect wallet, see how much time has been wasted... get into our giant non-eco friendly gas machine and drive down to science world. Oh the shame.. the humanity.. Oh well, fun was had Deb the little bitch looks fantastic with her gorgeous long hair! Cow.. I hate it when all you women are so bloody beautiful! Deb's girls are great, Emma is a hoot! Abby is adorable and Maggie, like most 2nd child i know, is so cute but has a "naughty girl" streak in her! I realize that technically Maggie is Deb's 3rd but must be second pregnancy related!
so we played at science world, hit up the grand mcdon for lunch.. boo.. went in the ball room at Mc'd's and then headed back to science world since we all parked there. As you can see the girls were picking some flowers.. Deb and I were killing ourselves laughing at all the bum cracks! Ok.. most of it was Maeve's but you do have to laugh! We sent the shorthouse fam on their way and went to Kits beach for a little sand action! Thanks to Ange, Milo and Theo for giving us some sand tools! Home again home again jiggity jig only Madigan napped! And only for like 20 mins! BOOO!
Oh and Mel,
This link is for you!
I LOVE Madigan's hat. She wears it better than anyone I've ever ever seen.
And I ordered that stroller, but my newfound (yes yes it is) stupidhead not only threw in a make believe address, but forgot to order the travel accessory thingy.
It was fun Vashti, I made it to the Northshore and decided that we had time to go to Old Navy. Ran in Ran out and Made the ferry in record time. Didn't buy a thing. When we were home about 3 minutes Emma complains about iching. She shows me her chest and she is covered in Hives, her skin is blotchy and it is completely red. I know she is sensitve to things but, we hadn;'t had anything that We had not had before. I couldn't figure it. We gave her benadryl and she was fine. My mom saw the Pictrues and she thought that there might have been something sprayed on the grass where the girls were picking flowers and it caused her rash. I didn't know. She said that the dandilions looked limpy. Anyway thanks again for the great time. We will do it again soon. Deb
Looks and sounds like fun. Oh to be picking fresh spring flowers...we are just hitting autumn here and it is still freaking me out. i agree that madigan looks absolutely fabulous in that very chic hat! i am thinking of you and missing you and so happy to hear you are, once again, taking the city by storm!
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