Congratulations to Lanny, Mel, Coral and Neikao! Baby Smith was born on Canada day at 9:22 and weighed 9lbs. Mel had the baby at home with no pain meds... good on you! I personally swear by epidurals! Since this is her third I guess she knows what is best for her and her family!! Ok, like Auntie Robyn I tease. Her name may not be Lincoln Jane Smith because she is a surprise bundle of pink instead of blue! So far this is the 5th pink bundle in the F'n'Geesmith family! Maybe Brodie and Linds will have our first bouncing bundle of blue!
Wow! She is a lovely baby! Girls are taking over the world! Us old girls dragged our butts out to the West Coast this weekend, and had a blast. I love seeing your pics up Vash and Michael, the girls look very content in their new stroller. Aren't the pubs awesome!you guys look right at home. Charli is growing like a weed, I am going to attempt to blog one of these days. Kisses all around! Granny Jack
and her name may well turn out to be lincoln even if she is a girl!!
The only resemblance so far to her dad is her hairline!!
Haven't had a squish yet but you can bet I soon will.
Love ya
GummaHonieNonieLuvvy and Pa
I was pretty sure it was a boy too, Damn, Whats the baby's name? Poundage? Chest Size, Cmon Details people!
Unca Todd
Unca Todd no one knows her name yet but she weighed 9 lbs even. I just saw her and she is the image of siobhan only dark skinned. Her nose and mouth are exactly the same. She is a nice big armful and very content.
her name may remain Lincoln but not sure yet still known as 'baby'
Love you all
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