Hi gang! Today was a little wetter than usual! So here is a brief update.
Madigan can say: Mama, Dada, banana, more, uh oh hen she drops something "mmmmwah"for kisses and she also blows kisses. So far she has managed to climb up one stair and just hang out there until either Michael or myself clues in that the child is up that high. She is a bit more selectve than Maeve was as far as food goes. She walk/crawls (hands on the floor body in a crawl, legs in a walk) its a real treat to watch! She is fast too. Michael adn I thought we would just teach her a few signs like we did for Maeve. Apparently it is easier for her to say more than to sign it! She is a clever little brat and is so mischievious. The little bugger smiles right at you just as/while she is doing something naughty. Like pulling the phone jack! She is so bad but so bloody cute it is hard to discipline her!
Maeve says just about anything that comes to her head. She would like to say, "Gramma luvie, I love you and thank you for all the kisses." To Gramma Suzie, "Thank you very much for all the kisses and love." Right now she is big on love. She says, "I love my family" and it just about makes me cry. Maeve loves blueberries, strawberries and her new handy dandy notebooks! Maeve just got a brand new pair of kicks that are pink and orange. They make her run faster and jump higher! The were 3 quid!
Here are some pics from today@!
hey I just posted here and there is no record of it!!!
I LOVE the Clan Mussellam's !!!
Auntie Erin
How cute those two wonder girls are!!! Looks like Vancouver? Yeah, OK, with those - like - castles in the background:):)
Loving the Island!
Miss you guys!
The Rhiversons
How are the girls doing in their new beds? I love seeing the pictures. Make me feel as if I am there too.
Kathie in North Carolina
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