Well, last night Michael and I actually came up with a plan of action in advance!! Yes yes, I can hardly believe it myself!! After an excrutiating hot day here with NO beach/lake/water in sight we decided to find us a pool! Yes, we found one at the Newbold Comyn Leisure center. So today we started off with lunch at the pub, on to marks and spencer for swim trunks then onward and upward to the pool! It was great. Only cost 6 pounds and there was an adult pool and a kids pool with a huge water slide! It was great. We got Maeve a pair of water wings and Madigan a water diaper! We had a blast! Michael took Maeve up on the big water slide a bunch of times. We tried Sara's jaker's trick by blowing in Madigan's face to get her to hold her breath and then to dunk her but we didn't have the heart! She was almost drowned enough with all the mad sploshers about! I took Maeve down the waterslide too after Michael forced me. ... I was to scared that I'd drown Maeve at the end where it drops off into the pool. I had every right to be scared, Maeve and I went so frigging fast I almost panicked. The worry for drowning Maeve was unfounded of course because I held her up and out of the water as I sank like a stone!!! My feet went out from under me and I went under... I held poor Maeve up and out as I drank the damn pool. Maeve was completely unscathed and wanted to go again. Once was enough for me tho! So, pictures.. here we all are at 4:57... then at 5:03!! As you can see I look fabulous in my far east attire! Big shout out to grampa and Maggie who brought me back that wrap from their far flung adventures! As for the pub picture I thought it was funny with the pram/stroller parked out front! Classic English pubs are filled with children! They just aren't allowed at the bar!! hahah no sending the children to get mummy and datty a pint! The girls were knackered!! The picture of us walking away from the camera is in our cul de sac. That isn't our house but ours looks exactly like it! Everyone please ooh and ahh over the fantastic stroller my mom got us. It really is a life saver! Those half hour walks in 32 degree heat are a breeze now that I'm not packing my extra pounds, plus Madigan's while pushing Maeves!
Hey Clan Mussellam's.....
The two of you are looking....as a very wise, beautiful woman says... fanfrikintastic !! The girls are growning so beautifully. Pretty soon Madigan will be pushing that wonderful chariot that your thoughful, kind and adoring mother got you, so you can just sit back and relax...yah right !! I am proud of you for getting on the slide and givin' it all you got !! It must have been scarry....I'd still be sitting at the bottom humming and hawing about the whole thing !! I see you got your hat...did that mean that Michael finally found the one he got you or did you just take matters into your own hands and took care of it yourself !??!!?? hahaha michael !! I will try to get my blog up and running so I can keep you all up to date on the newest TV shows... hahaha.....you WILL know what's happening on CSI...oh yes you WILL. Starting with the most disgusting shocker....Grisom and Sara are sleeping together ....YUCK !!
Love yah all VERY much
Miss yah all VERY much
Can't wait to see you....
Auntie Erin
(Ev...I have a picture of each of the girls that I would like to send you and whoelse would like a copy -- erinycsw@yahoo.ca)
we are back from the wilds of the raft cove!! great hike in and out and one of the most beautiful spots in the world...pics to follow.
the baby is a GIRL!! and as yet un named....9lbs and born at 9:22 pm CANADA DAY!!
so maybe her name will be dominica or kanada or something!
going back to nanaimo now
give my email to erin please and thank you erin for the pics (prematurely)
Love to all
Glad to see you guys enjoying yourself. V you look fantastic. Keep up the good work. The girls are little darlings, do they have little british accents yet? As for the blow and dunk it was slightly traumatizing at first as well. So understood. Jakers is gettin so big and he say hi eh to his little british cousins. We love you and misses you all.
Auntie Sara
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