Jeez, time is really just flying past here. Today is a ho hum day today. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get any pictures up but we'll try anyway! So, Maeve is good. Madigan is good. Michael is good and I am good. We had a pretty low key weekend, just walked into town and played at the park. Its nice to not *do* anything for a change. Madigan is now the proud owner of 6 shiny white chicklets, all teeth have cracked the gums. Everything on the nursing front is going well inspite of said choppers. I'm starting to feel pretty run down from it but I think it is worth it! On the injury topic Maeve will infact lose her big toe nail.. Poor thing dropped a rock on it and we've been soaking it and trimming it but its coming off. Maeve doens't seem to mine one way or the other so I'm glad it doesn't hurt or anything. We went to the library on sunday and Maeve got to join a reading club. So this week we get to go back and the librarian will ask Maeve some questions about the books we've read and she'll get a sticker! After 6 stickers she'll be able to get a reading certificate. Michael and I have deemed wednesday "vashti" day and its my night to find something fun to do. Michael goes to his RPG on tuesday, thursday as you all know is pub night so wednesday gets to be my night! I'm trying to find some sort of yoga studio but no such luck as of yet. ... I haven't been looking too hard mind you!!!! If the pics do manage to upload I'm sorry they are blurry! The one where Madigan is smiling right at the cam seems clear!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
help is on the way

Looks like Auntie Erin isn't going to beat our things after all. By some magical turn of events our belongings have arrived! We are awaiting a letter from customs that we have to fill out and return and our goods will be shipped to us! huzzah!
Now, to all of you related to me I want you to go to Mom's blog site and look at how fanfriggingtastic she looks! Mom, I am so proud of you, you look great! All of my brothers and sisters represent and have a look at your svelte mother! Ok, Jacqui you slim little cow you look great too!
short post today as I'm sure blogger the bitch she is wont let me upload anything! fingers crossed and I love you mucho!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

This is the second and last attempt I will make at blogging today. My but blogspot is a fickle beast when one is 'borrowing' connectivity! We are all great. Maeve gorgeous as usual but now with a penchance for running. EVERYWHERE! The child doesn't know slow mo! We might have a line on a preschool for her starting in september. Finger's crossed! Madigan is growing chicklets like you wouldn't believe. You should see these monsters. Madigan also has a fondness for nursing standing up, upside down, sideways and any other position that is less than subtle shall we say!
A Big Birthday Hello to Ms Mhari Rhiverson who turned 1 yesterday! Congrats Rhiverson family!
Monday, July 24, 2006

Hello everyone! Yes, we have a pulse! So sorry the Mussellam Clan has been MIA. Long story, not going to bore you... in short our computer crapped out on us briefly! One visit up to Birmingham Apple store an we are back in biznazz bitches!
Things here are good. We've heard murmurings that our belongings are going to be leaving Canada soon! Hooray.. Auntie Erin is going to race our stuff and see who gets here first. Auntie Erin is our first almost confirmed guest coming Oct 5-22 We are thrilled!
Friday, July 14, 2006
english pubs
Ok "you people" (as Gramma Suzie says), I fear you all need an education in english pubs. You see, it isn't a nightclub or a bar. A pub is more of a restaurant. Children are not allowed to be near the "bar" at all. Now, most of the pubs that we have been to have a children's play area. Like play areas in McDonalds , which is pronounced "Mac Donalds" here. The pub just up by our place has an outdoor children's play area. Slide, wiggly bridge, fort with ladders and a lookout! My favorite pub is called benjamin satchwells and it has 'club' nights. Curry Club is thursday night so we go and have our chicken tikka and a beer, the girls share a kids meal.. not a happy meal but it does come with a placemat, crayons milk and usually we get them cottage pie with peas! Not mushy peas either because that is gross! After curry night we walk 15mins to Newboly Comyn Leisure center and have a great swim. Last night we discovered an awesome way home. Cut through the park and it is a gorgeous walk through a nature preserve. During the weekends there are 4 or 5 footie games going on and its really busy, but at 10ish at night it is still pretty light but deserted yet beautiful! So, for all of you who think I am a deadbeat mommy for boozing it up at the pub should bring your children and come and visit me.
We just got a .....

Letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter I wonder who it's from?
For those of you aquainted with Blue's Clues I hope that song/tune sticks in your head all day!@!!
OK, so this months winner for fastest letter sent goes toooooooo... GRAMMA MIMI!
Thanks Gramma, we love the 'colar' bears. Love Maeve and Madigan
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Here we go round 2. I've tried 3 times to upload the pics from yesterday. I have no idea why they aren't loading. I tried getting them on thru flickr too. No luck as you can see. Perhaps Michael and I are going to have to pay for some wireless connection instead of borrowing it from whoever it is that has it in our neighbourood!
Ok, so if they load this is my darling artista star Maeve! I picked up some watercolour paints yesterday and she is having a blast today. Its funny how in just 2 months she has changed. Before she would just muck up all the colours, mix and paint mostly with the water. Well now she is freaking out because the colour isn't the one she wanted or its not a true bright red because she has mucked them!! Trying to teach her to rinse them first is a treat let me tell you.. from one stubborn mule to another! Tonight is curry night at the pub! We are going to walk into town and meet daddy and have chicken tikka.. delish! Not only is it delish but it is cheap! 4.99 and comes with my choice of drink! Wahoo because beer is one of the choices!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
believe it
Ok, call ripley's believ it or not... both girls are wearing BLUE!
Maeve is very donald duck in that she rarely wears pants! So here are the two sisters who love each other so much. Sorry for the extreme closeup on Madigan there. I was trying to get a shot of her chicklets! I'm sure you've all seen her bottom two at some point. The real menacing beasts are up top.... not the front top two nooo the ones beside those. She is going to look really funny as those big buggers come down further.... pray for the fast arrival of the top front two teeth for her! I'm trying to gather all these pictures to prove that they love each other because when they are teens I'm sure they are going to be at each other's throats! So, today is an in day. It is gorgeous... but gorgeous here means laundry! Boo! The dryer situation here leaves alot to be desired! So, Maeve is outside playing with her "friends". She told me she has pretend friends. Yay and boo... poor Maeve gets uprooted from all her friends but yay, she just invents new ones! So here is a play by play of what is going on outside, she is having a tea party with a stuffed kitten and puppy:
"Hi, Gramma Luvvy is here. Look gramma, a spider web."
"Oh, Daddy is home, daddy do you want a drink? I'm drinking mine because I have to go"
"we need another blanket. i need one for my puppy, i'll set it up"
"set 4, set 5. Oh, we need another one"
"there is one there if y0ou want it. this is a great party. party, party, party party party"
Maeve also made a rather astute comment the other day. She said to me, "Mommy, there are no mountains in England." Right she is! You can take the Canadian out of Canada but you can't take the Canada out of a Canadian!
oh bugger... blogger ownt let me upload the pics.. you'll have to wait until blogger is a little less tempermental
Maeve is very donald duck in that she rarely wears pants! So here are the two sisters who love each other so much. Sorry for the extreme closeup on Madigan there. I was trying to get a shot of her chicklets! I'm sure you've all seen her bottom two at some point. The real menacing beasts are up top.... not the front top two nooo the ones beside those. She is going to look really funny as those big buggers come down further.... pray for the fast arrival of the top front two teeth for her! I'm trying to gather all these pictures to prove that they love each other because when they are teens I'm sure they are going to be at each other's throats! So, today is an in day. It is gorgeous... but gorgeous here means laundry! Boo! The dryer situation here leaves alot to be desired! So, Maeve is outside playing with her "friends". She told me she has pretend friends. Yay and boo... poor Maeve gets uprooted from all her friends but yay, she just invents new ones! So here is a play by play of what is going on outside, she is having a tea party with a stuffed kitten and puppy:
"Hi, Gramma Luvvy is here. Look gramma, a spider web."
"Oh, Daddy is home, daddy do you want a drink? I'm drinking mine because I have to go"
"we need another blanket. i need one for my puppy, i'll set it up"
"set 4, set 5. Oh, we need another one"
"there is one there if y0ou want it. this is a great party. party, party, party party party"
Maeve also made a rather astute comment the other day. She said to me, "Mommy, there are no mountains in England." Right she is! You can take the Canadian out of Canada but you can't take the Canada out of a Canadian!
oh bugger... blogger ownt let me upload the pics.. you'll have to wait until blogger is a little less tempermental
Monday, July 10, 2006

Hi! sorry no pics from yesterday. It was really n ot exciting so you didn't miss anything! We went to ARGOS and ordered a dining room set and a carpet. Then onto BOOTS to pick up baby essentials and the much needed baby gate. I'll try to grab a pic of madigan in baby jail later! Today is cleanup day. fun fun fun! here are a couple of pictures of maeve on her boat. she is fishing. Notice henry in the background? He is our vacuum that came with the house. Totally cute and no one is afraid of him... well, the girls aren't but I don't particularily care for him! Haha I keed I keed! So, we are all doing well. all this walking is hurting my poor old body. Seems the more we do the more walking I have to do! My poor fat old body is rebelling! Plus, the other day I was trying to race michael and I ran... good lord... who runs at my age... haha oh, ok Auntie Barbie does and the bitch looks fantastic! Well, I'm sure she hurt the first couple of times after she ran too!@!! Well, enough rambling.. .love to you all! Oh and I think I need to adjust our mailing ammend our mailing address
20 Packwood Close
Sydenham, Leamington Spa
CV31 1FL
Warwickshire, UK
see if that works! Ps any of you can call us (44)7726 868 405
Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hi gang. Today we headed out bright and early to Birmingham. We were on an adventure with Auntie Neil. We got on the train and were off in search of chinatown! What a surprise when we found it. China town birmingham consists of 3 or 4 chinese restaurants and a rather small gate!!!! We had fun tho, had awesome chinese buffet. We then went to warwick to get neil to a camera shop taht so awesomely closed at 3.... an hour before we got there. So, lots and lots and lots of walking today! Thanks again mom for the stroller. it really is making life easier! So a little about the pics. Erin, the shoe one is for you! The fierce picture of me and my 'gaunt' face is for Danica. One pic is Maeve chillin with Auntie Neil and one is Madigan laughing her ass off as she pulls my hair while riding in the backpack! The reason I explained the pics like this is because whenever I upload them in one order they wind up in another.. so, match the pic with the description! Cheers and happy weekend!
Friday, July 07, 2006
friday hooray
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
feels like vancouver

Hi gang! Today was a little wetter than usual! So here is a brief update.
Madigan can say: Mama, Dada, banana, more, uh oh hen she drops something "mmmmwah"for kisses and she also blows kisses. So far she has managed to climb up one stair and just hang out there until either Michael or myself clues in that the child is up that high. She is a bit more selectve than Maeve was as far as food goes. She walk/crawls (hands on the floor body in a crawl, legs in a walk) its a real treat to watch! She is fast too. Michael adn I thought we would just teach her a few signs like we did for Maeve. Apparently it is easier for her to say more than to sign it! She is a clever little brat and is so mischievious. The little bugger smiles right at you just as/while she is doing something naughty. Like pulling the phone jack! She is so bad but so bloody cute it is hard to discipline her!
Maeve says just about anything that comes to her head. She would like to say, "Gramma luvie, I love you and thank you for all the kisses." To Gramma Suzie, "Thank you very much for all the kisses and love." Right now she is big on love. She says, "I love my family" and it just about makes me cry. Maeve loves blueberries, strawberries and her new handy dandy notebooks! Maeve just got a brand new pair of kicks that are pink and orange. They make her run faster and jump higher! The were 3 quid!
Here are some pics from today@!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Welcome baby Lincoln

Congratulations to Lanny, Mel, Coral and Neikao! Baby Smith was born on Canada day at 9:22 and weighed 9lbs. Mel had the baby at home with no pain meds... good on you! I personally swear by epidurals! Since this is her third I guess she knows what is best for her and her family!! Ok, like Auntie Robyn I tease. Her name may not be Lincoln Jane Smith because she is a surprise bundle of pink instead of blue! So far this is the 5th pink bundle in the F'n'Geesmith family! Maybe Brodie and Linds will have our first bouncing bundle of blue!
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Well, last night Michael and I actually came up with a plan of action in advance!! Yes yes, I can hardly believe it myself!! After an excrutiating hot day here with NO beach/lake/water in sight we decided to find us a pool! Yes, we found one at the Newbold Comyn Leisure center. So today we started off with lunch at the pub, on to marks and spencer for swim trunks then onward and upward to the pool! It was great. Only cost 6 pounds and there was an adult pool and a kids pool with a huge water slide! It was great. We got Maeve a pair of water wings and Madigan a water diaper! We had a blast! Michael took Maeve up on the big water slide a bunch of times. We tried Sara's jaker's trick by blowing in Madigan's face to get her to hold her breath and then to dunk her but we didn't have the heart! She was almost drowned enough with all the mad sploshers about! I took Maeve down the waterslide too after Michael forced me. ... I was to scared that I'd drown Maeve at the end where it drops off into the pool. I had every right to be scared, Maeve and I went so frigging fast I almost panicked. The worry for drowning Maeve was unfounded of course because I held her up and out of the water as I sank like a stone!!! My feet went out from under me and I went under... I held poor Maeve up and out as I drank the damn pool. Maeve was completely unscathed and wanted to go again. Once was enough for me tho! So, pictures.. here we all are at 4:57... then at 5:03!! As you can see I look fabulous in my far east attire! Big shout out to grampa and Maggie who brought me back that wrap from their far flung adventures! As for the pub picture I thought it was funny with the pram/stroller parked out front! Classic English pubs are filled with children! They just aren't allowed at the bar!! hahah no sending the children to get mummy and datty a pint! The girls were knackered!! The picture of us walking away from the camera is in our cul de sac. That isn't our house but ours looks exactly like it! Everyone please ooh and ahh over the fantastic stroller my mom got us. It really is a life saver! Those half hour walks in 32 degree heat are a breeze now that I'm not packing my extra pounds, plus Madigan's while pushing Maeves!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Canada Day
Happy Canada day everyone! It isn't a long weekend here but I sure wish it was! Sorry no pic today because we forgot to bring our camera with us. Pretty uneventful anyways. We went to the bank to get me a bank card and then to the park. Ho hum.... it was of course 32 degrees and muggy! Well I guess I could have gotten a snapshot of us talking to Mr. Bank Dude while Maeve very helpfully and kindly picked Madigan's nose. Thats awesome, hope I never lose that mental pic! Tomorrow we are hoping to hit some sort of pool! Its friggin hot here and we are so not near any large water body. Well, except my large body in the water that is our tub! Today was great for me because I got to talk to some of you! I talked to Auntie Erin who was busy out picking things up for the girls... I got to talk to my great friend Cookie Doucette... love her, miss her... I got to talk to my brother Jaycie.. very amusing and then I had the funniest chat with Crappa (Big Robin). Turns out Uncle Lanny's baby has yet to make its debut. When I phoned Lanny was up at the shop with Crappa making a potato gun. So I of course ask if Mel's labour had stalled out or something... nope nope, things have slowed down a bit but are still happening... not quite believing that Lanny was up at the shop while Mel laboured to bring forth his child.. but then really, its not like Lanny can really make anything happen faster or smoother. Maybe Mel will be able to focus without worrying about him! I told Robin I'd have killed Michael with said potato gun if he elected to make one instead of be one with my pain! Well, guess we are all different aren't we! So, my positive thoughts go out to Mel, bringer of Lanny's unborn. Hopefully s/he will be born on Canada Day and has a headfull of hair! hahah sorry Makadoodlenut! So if any of you beotches want to give me a call, our country code is 44 and my number is 7726 868 405 prank call me if you want its your dime!!! haha just do me a huge fave and make sure you know we are 8 hours ahead of you! So, hopefully I'll be back on here tomorrow with fresh pics! love to all!
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