Three months old and Madigan is burning to boogie. Sweet lord are we in trouble! Madigan just isn't happy unless she is facing forward and in an upright position! Today was a NASTY day for me! Poor Madigan has a cough and poor Maeve is driving me bananas! No cleaning was done today, no laundry was folded, no carpets were vacuumed. Today we barely made it to ballet, ate Mcdonalds for lunch and 75% of the Mussellam family was either crying, screaming or wishing they were somewhere else (me)! The other 25% of the Mussellam family escaped to go to this wonderful child free place called "work". I bundled up the girls and went on another wonderful wet walk. 4:oo came around Maeve was out cold in the stroller (note not out *in* the cold) and Madigan was up but needing to be held. I thought I might get some peace and quiet but Madigan wouldnt have any of it! I did manage to put her in the jolly jumper for a bit while I made a quick dinner. This brings me to the first picture. Look closely at Dora's eyes. Notice anything out of the ordinary? Maeve worked so hard to get those little peas to stick on the white part of Dora's eyes. Isn't she clever! Around 8ish I finally managed to get our littlest one off to sleep. Then I had time to play with Maeve! We read some books, I ate her eyes, she ate my hair and we both watched a bit of American Idol. My child sure has a sense of humour and I sure love her! Just before Daddy came home Maeve had to change into her beautiful ballerina outfit. What a kid she is! So Daddy got home and played with Maeve too. They are a funny duo let me tell you! Around 9ish I got a phone call from my friend Lisa. She said, I just left something at your doorstep. I went out to look and Lisa had dropped off a goodie bag packed with treats just for me. You see, I phoned her and left a message saying how crappy my day was. She drove all the way to our house to leave me a gift bag and some potted daffodils. Isn't she sweet? Yes I do love Lisa Doucette! So my crappy day was tempered by the sound of my infant coughing less since she is sleeping in her carseat, playing with and watching Maeve play with her Daddy and by knowing that I have really good friends who care about me. Maybe my day wasn't so crappy after all!
1 comment:
awwwww u make me cry! I think Lisa rocks! And these times are short so enjoy my darling!
Love you forever
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