Here is our big girl. We discovered, quite by accident, that my little ponies have magnets in their feet! Maeve's ponies can draw on the magnadoodle and defy gravity on our fridge. Oh how much fun!!!
After months of living a devil-may-care lifestyle in the backwoods of England, the Clan has moved onto the next leg of the wacky adventure and are transported back to the unruly urban melting pot of Vancouver, Canada. Let's move closer to see what Daddy Michael, Mommy Vashti, Big Sister Maeve and Little sister Madigan are up to now...
clever clever ponies!! Congratulations to Auntie Sawah and Brad on their new bundle. A link would be great!
Love to the little m & m's from Gumma and Crappa
ok a bit of love for their parents too! Happy New Year
I like that I own the same playmat as you guys-- the Noah's ark one without any annoying music :)
But I don't like that I have to dump my comment way down here for some reason...
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