Here we are all anxious. We've hung ballet slippers by the fireplace and everything. Visions of sugar plum fairies dancing in our heads! Well ok really I'm just waiting with baited breath to find out if we wasted 40$ on a class that she'll refuse to go to! We know a couple of friends whose parents thought they might like a class, and even the child herself has said she'd like to go, only to turn all bambi on the day of the class. Hopefully that doesn't happen for us. Hopefully Maeve will enjoy ballet at school as much as she likes it at home! We didn't do too much today. Baked bread, went outside and played "swiper", soccer and did sun salutations. There was no sun to be saluted but we tried to guess where best to salute based on how light the black clouds above were!I tried to get them to nap they didn't. We made it to the butcher and then to pick up Michael. Oh how my life has changed!! I just took the pics now, Maeve is wearing her I heart Daddy shirt while placing her cute feet in his stinky shoes. Madigan is discovering hands and batting at things and generally being all cute pink and clever. I am going to try to get to bed early! I'll hopefully let you know tomorrow!