Whew, what a weekend and it isn't even over yet! Yesterday Aunties Erin and Sara came over with a giant turkey. Uncle Jaycie and Auntie Barbie came over with an adorable outfit and tonnes of energy! The outfit lasted much longer than Uncle Jaycie's energy! Saturday was pretty much an evening eat fest then a triptophan snooze off! Sunday we spent all day at IKEA! Maeve got to play in the blueberries again. Fortunately for everyone she didn't have a pee accident! Madigan was great and snoozed while Daddy carried her. Now resting is in order! Sorry you have to suffer through my terrible profile shot but I thought she looked terribly cute in this one! Hope you all have a great Turkey weekend. Tomorrow we are off to see Great Granny Grace!
I know that pose! Of course, my daughter often follows that up with a bit of puking...
ok so now is Maeve Adera never to be seen again????
We love them BOTH!
tee hee
Love to all of you from Montreal.
Off to New York tomorrow.
Gumma and Crappa
Hey, I'm about to mail some prezzies to you from the Big Apple, but if Gumma and Crappa are willing, I could just hand them a package while they're in MY city...
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