Please note that Madigan is wearing blue! She is of course wearing pink underneath it though! Today our Midwife Beth came by to check us out. Madigan is fantastic of course. I am recovering nicely too! Maeve and Michael are just in love with Beth so they are more than happy when she comes over!
Madigan managed to sleep for 4 hours in a row last night. I was ecstatic! She did it twice for me. What a good girl! I was feeling much more rested today than yesterday let me tell you. Maeve is a busy little bee keeping Daddy busy all day. She keeps me on my toes too. I swear she is 2 going on 15! She loves to argue! Even when we are saying the same thing she corrects me and tells me how it is. Jeez, wonder where she gets that from! Well thats it for me. This was a late posting so off I go to bed. I know at least one of my two gorgeous daughters will be up before I know it!
1 comment:
how do u get rid of these spammers!
anyway madigan is still lovely and looks so content!!
Love you all loads,
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