So basically my mother has pointed out that there have been no pictures of Maeve. Well, here is one! It is of course up to you to find her! Ha ha. Here I thought everyone was sick of seeing photos of Maeve and was anxious to see photos of Madigan! I also didn't want all the pictures up here to be Maeve holding Madigan! I thought Madigan should have her debut and then start doubling up on the cute for everyone! Apparently you can all handle it so I will endeavor to put more photos of my precious girls together! It does give my heart a workout to have Maeve hold Madigan. Sometimes the best handhold is an ear. More often and more frightening the handhold is an eye. Since Maeve loves her sister so much I'll try to capture some new pics of the two for everyone to enjoy! Ta!!
ok Gumma meant more than a slightly blurry arm!!!!
Madigan looks like she is growing still! Auntie Erin is putting to rest the notion that white girls can't dance I see!!
Love you all
Gramma and Crappa
Hey! Singapore! What the hell?!
And I'm sorry to say that New York is currently floating away into the Atlantic because it's been raining heavily for SEVEN STRAIGHT DAYS.
I think we've had about 40 cms of rain.
Yes as someone who nearly got swept away from NYC I can agree with Kevin. Yes I read the possible move to singapore but thought my eyes were deceiving me! NOT NOVEMBER!!!!! of this year at least! OK a little Gramma reaction. Keep us posted. C u soon.
Gramma and Crappa
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