Michael and I stayed at Maeve's school for a bit of the party, then had to get going. Jo Wood was kind enough to snap a few shots of our gorgeous Barbie 3 Muskateer! She has the gown, the mask and the good looks but no sword because weapons are not welcome at school! I NEVER thought we'd be the ones with weapons but hey, how many times have we all said, "I'm never going to.... " and then done it!
Here is Maeve sitting with her class at assembly:

Parading her costume for the parents and big kids:

Finishing up the parade with two clone troopers hot on her trail!:

So, dropped off Michael and headed back to Madigan's party. Her teachers are both really nice and the kids all wore great costumes! The had plenty of snacks, jello, candy cupcakes etc so many that they weren't allowed to eat their actual snack.. you know, healthy fruit, protein and what have you!
Here is Madigan with her teachers, Jenny and Patricia: