Yesterday Sara and Jakers came over for a visit. They stayed the night and today we made our way over to Richmond to go visit Great Granny Gracie!
We took her to Mc Donalds! hahahaha you'd think we'd be able to treat her at a better restaurant but hey, who else has a playplace! We had a nice little lunch then let the beasts loose on the outdoor play structure! Turns out that this particular McDonalds was the one Michael, Erin and Sara went to when they were little!
After lunch we hit Tim Horntons and had a nice visit at Great Granny Gracies. She taught Maeve how to play dominoes!
Jakers and Madigan ran laps around and around her place and Sara and I fought over the donuts! I won because she ate them! Hhahahaha hope she gets fat even tho I know she wont!!
Hopefully here is some video of the wild things and their rumpusing at McDonalds
ps don't judge me for the less than warm looking attire on the children. As far as I'm aware they haven't frozen to death yet and when they are cold, they'll come and get any one of the number of jackets I have on hand!
peace out bitches!
Dude, you didn't even have to launch into your big confession. I mean, how should I know what the temperature was on the day you shot that. Maybe it was unseasonably warm that day... Plus once they've taken it off for the third time you just have to give up!
we arrived!!! Pa has two different sandals and I have no mascara but WE ARE HERE!!
still in honolulu leaving for molokai at 3 something. will post on my blog later, nakee pic of pa with his sandals ! hold yer breath!
ma and pa
oh sure, you're the only one mom let's know that they're alive, I hope you get stuck with her when she goes nuts...good thing they land in Vancouver when they get back; it'll be an easy transition.
jake is getting so big!! I can't believe I've still not met him! How rude of his mother!
Ma, I hope you remembered at least to pack the socks to go with said sandals, bust that action out and nobody will notice the non-matching attire.
That video was shot in the spring, it looks way too dry there to be a current vancouver. Call me so I can send you baked goods.
Nice pics, Yah, about the dounuts. Sara could eat 40 timbits and not gain an ounce How is life soo unfair. Damn Genetics. Looks like you are all doing well. We to have a collection of coats for every occassion and usually, they just get thrown in a pile by the door. They are never ever done up properly. Now, it is just a bit rubbermaid tote that holds them all. I figure why hang them up? they just get thrown on the floor the next time we have a fight about which coat we should be wearing and how they couldn't possible wear one that one, it doesn't match. IT is pink and I am wearing green.!!!! I think you sense my frustration. Take care, Love ya Deb
ahhah well kate, if you look at Jacob in the picture he is ddressed for the worst of winters! Madigan's gut cannot even be contained by her micro top! I am all that is parent!!
in case i am called as a witness in this child neglect case, i can attest that miss maeve does not like to wear her coat and also that vashti always has them on hand for both girls should they need the best of my knowledge, i think all the girls have to say to get the jacket is (verbatem) is "please most fair, kind, beautiful and wise mommy, may i have a jacket?" (or something to that effect) and kiss her on the hand.
Coats're Canadian. Legs don't get cold.
What a fun day you guys must have had, wherever those coats actually were:)
Hey thanks for waiting for me to comment before you put up a new post ;)
I love the beds all squished together.. that is perfect!
nice chatting with you! thanks for the call!
Merry Christmas!
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