This weekend has been busier than the rest. Monday we got a scary call. One of our friends was in the ER and we ran and picked up his big brother to spend the day with us so Mom and Dad could be at the hospital. I'm very happy to say that everything is now fine and everyone is back at home doing well!
Maeve and Madigan are doing well. Cheeky as ever and I wouldn't have it any other way! Maeve is under the impression she is the boss of us. She is constantly correcting me while I discipline Madigan!
Madigan on the other hand, is such a little trouble maker! I imagine this is what Michael was like when he was little. Always with the teasing, bothering but is so incredibly loving. Madigan is so quick to share her treats with Maeve, so fast to give a hug or a kiss and always says sorry when she hurts Maeve. Sadly the #1 reason Madigan hurts Maeve is by kneeling or laying on her hair! Maeve's hair, although gorgeous.. is becoming a little more of a hassle! She officially does NOT want me to take her to have her hair cut. She is concerned that cutting her hair will hurt her! I tell her its like cutting her nails but she isn't having any of it!
Michael has been working late the last few nights and I'm not going to lie, life has been pretty challenging for me. I know he doesn't want to be working late anymore than I do. Poor Michael misses the girls and they sure miss him! I know my job isn't neurosurgery but I have to tell you I'm feeling pretty beat these days! I'm looking forward to the holiday, to Brodie and Lindsay's wedding and spending some time with my family on the island for xmas.
For the Mussellam Chambers side of things we are meeting up with everyone at Michael's Auntie Lisa's place on Dec 23. Kersten, Michael's cousin is back from Ghana and we haven't seen her or Ryan for 2 years! My god where has the time gone! Great Granny Grace is going to come and spend xmas eve/morning with us, Grampa George will be coming over Christmas day and on boxing day we hope to have a few people stopping by! Busy busy busy!
I found a funny page where you can have a chat with Santa ! See what he has to say these days!
Those are gorgeous pictures. I can totally understand how exhausting life can be. Especially now that work is involved. Life rushes by at an unreal pace. You just keep managing to keep pressing on. You are doing a great job. Hope you have a great weekend. take care, Deb
Thanks so much for coming to our rescue so bright and early at the crack of dawn on monday.. and for taking such brilliant care of Milo for us. He had a ball and came home with some awesome xmas crafts. You rock!.. thanks for being the bestest! (yes... that is a word!..OK..maybe not..) We love you guys.
Ange, Casey, Milo & Theo (recovering nicely..just your standard whiny sick kid now..) xo
awww such cuties! especially the one with the spaghetti hangin out of the lips!
You keep your mama on the right track with discipline Maevie!
love you guys
great pics !! Love them.
Yes Madigan takes after her father...with the teasing and bothering and all....but her father never shared his treats or gave out any hugs or kisses to his sisters !! He would claim that it is because we (his sisters) ate everything from under him, I'm sure !! hahaha....
Can't wait to see all of you on the 23rd...if I am invited that is...still haven't had an offical invite for the Hall's !
I (and Don too) would love to come in on Boxing Day and hang out for a bit if ok with you...that is ??
Let me know...
I just found a road in calgary called Madigan avenue, weird!!
same spelling and everything! Nice pics!
The girls look gorgeous as always. I can't wait to see you guys. Only 2 more weeks til we leave!!
Being the mother of 2 under 5 and having a job on top of that + having to work overtime at night would be a challenge for anyone! Your job may not be rocket science, but it is effing demanding, emotionally and physically gruelling and so underappreciated.
LOVE the shot of Maeve in the hat! That should be in a photography mag or could be a catalogue shot for the hat. She is so gorgeous! All the black and white pix are great! Glad to hear everyone is healthy and well again and it sounds like you have a lot of holiday and island fun coming your way!
beautiful pictures guys...boy these are the years when good friends mean the world.. the world was a better place for me when Chris and Chay were babies because your mom was my bestest friend! come to think of it, that is still so true today...can't wait for the big day to see you all again..sob! can't wait to see tig and row either!!!!
XX Jac
I really like the black and whites.. they are really great shots.. sorry you are feeling a bit overwhelmed.. it is a drag when the daddy has to work extra hours.. we are going through the same thing here at the moment too.. Eric is working 6 day weeks.. SIGH.. so I am thinking of you! xo
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