Wow, what a monsoon! The weather here is really the pits! Ok ok, a few of these pics are from last week when the sun did pop its welcome self out!
Poor Auntie Erin and Uncle Don had to move in this rain. Blech! So, I haven't blogged in what seems like eternity! Sorry. I know there are some of you out there that check my blog daily... I mean some of you other than my Mom who checks it hourly!! Casa Mussellam is getting all packed up and boxed up for our big move to Mt Pleasant! I can't wait!! Recently we've had a few hiccups related to the purchasing of our first home but Michael is doing a really really great job sorting it all out and getting it all solved. Michael is pretty amazing. Poor guy had alot of growing up to do of late! Now, before you get all mad at me those are his words not mine!!

The girls continue to be wonderful human beings. Madigan is so cheeky it is unbelievable! What a girl she is. I'm not sure why but she seems to be going through some sort of separation anxiety. Bloody child almost breaks my heart this morning calling, "cuddle me Mama.. cuddle me Mama.. Mamaaaa" I had to go to work and I was really sad leaving her. I know she will be ok without me but man can she pull on the ole heartstrings!
Maeve is very quickly blossoming into a very unruly teenager.. what the??? Is that normal? My gosh she can get miserable fast! Lucky for us she comes out of it just as quickly as going into it! Maeve is our resident beautiful ballerina and can frequently be found in front of the tv... not necessarily watching it but watching her reflection in it! ha what a girl!
I am doing well. My work situation could be better. I had no idea how much it would blow working on the weekends. Don't get me wrong, Michael is an amazing father and he and the girls seem to have a wonderful time.. its just that I'm getting ALOT of grief from my supervisor regarding requesting time off.. you know, to move and whatnot! Sheesh lady, give me a break! It turns out that my Early Childhood Education License to Practice expires Dec 11/07! What? Where the hell did the last 5 years go'? So, I am enrolled for my emerg first aid Nov 1, I have 2 workshops and I need to find another 4 before Dec 11! YIKES!!
Cathy, I need to know if I have a really good career move coming my way!
great "meandaddylook " there michael!
What cute a team.
Mhari said, "Who's that crazy guy?"
Hey, wow things are really moving along in your world Vash, theres no way i could handle not buckling under one beautiful daughters every whim let alone two! So my heart goes out to you, That sucks about your mean supervisor(hopefully she doesn't check the blog) But hang in there I am sure things will brighten up although you do live in vancouver....
Anyhow Love ya keep blogging,
I can totally identify with you Vashti. Work is a pain, as much as it is a good thing, it also takes away from other things. I just take it one day at a time. I seems to be the best way. I also wear what I call my "Shit suit" to work, that way, when you walk out the door from work you leave the suit there and you have a totally differnt outfit on when you get home. Sometimes that outfit also requires a bit of protection. You are doing a great job. Keep it up. Deb
Michael does look very growed-up and Vashti looks downright ...mmmmeeeeeeeoooooooowwwwwww!
Your boss-lady sux and you will soon find a better job with hours that suit you (and ME!) much better. I can't be a weekend warrior without 'cha. Let me know if we can help you with the move or watching the gals while you somehow manage to take those needed classes.
Hey vashti! wow five years...look at all you have produced in that time! amazing... it is so hard to juggle it all...I worked evenings for a few months once when Chay was little, and she said to me...pull heartstrings " when you're not here at night, it's like your dead mommy.." sob..anyhoo your family is beautiful! Michael looks fantastic! as do you... can't wait to see you all. I am off work for a while in Nov/dec so hopefully we will get together before the big W Day ! XXXXJac
hey vashti,
Saturn is in your 10th house for about another year and a bit, you already have the new home( part of that transit)and potentially could have one or more career moves, even a different career altogether is possible. after saturn leaves your 10th house and goes into your 11th ask gumma about that possibilty (hee hee)PS congrats on your new digs
thats a baby thats a baby thats a baby.........not that I care!!
guess who
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