Please.. if my bragging insults you, check back here tomorrow for less....
This is your last warning... last I tell you...
Ok, here goes!
My children are so obviously geniuses... or geniusi.... whatever.. it is clear they didn't get it from me!!
Today we were working on our letters again. Lots of kids her age go to preschool and work on letters,colours and stuff but poor Maeve doesn't get to attend.. Instead she gets her first learnin' via homeschooling!! Anyhoo, we have a workbook and we work on letters mostly. Its not something we do militantly.. we have only made it to letter "b" in the alphabet. Anyhoo, since most kids we know can already spell their names I tried to see if she could... guess what.. .she is so fricking smart! She can do her name and one of her favorite cousin's name too!
Sorry for the bragfest! I guess part of the reason I think she is so amazing is that I don't really know how to teach her the alphabet. Colours, numbers those are easy because we sing about them and point them out all the time. Yes yes, I realize I am a certified Early Childhood Educator but they didn't teach me how to teach children how to write. How to foster a love of reading, writing and rithmatic sure but not how to actually do it! I wasn't sure if I should hold the pen in her hand and help her make the letters or what so... I decided just to write out the letters and see if she could copy them... in the beginning that didn't really work too well but she did manage to copy the letter E really well. I really didn't want to hold her hand in mine because I didn't think that was really her doing the writing.. soo.. I did a combo of copying and dot to dots! Whenever the letter has a straight line I get her to do it and then I dot to dot the rest. Looks like she is really getting these letter things! She sometimes drifts off a bit while we are practicing and I have to stop and do something else because I don't want to push her or force her... I guess her school teachers will do that enough when the time comes!
Brag away Vashti! she is very clever and coordinated! you are obviously doing all the right things... Brag about first post too for me..and don't even get me started about Charli girl being you know she remembered seeing a spider in my window from two weeks ago when I pointed one out in a book the other day? pure genius too I tell you!
Keep blogging mama!
luv Jac
MAEVE we are so proud of you! Your name looks so pretty when it is written down on paper! =)
That is really really cool!
Way to go Maeve !!
What a big girl you are and so super smart too. Way to go Mommy for have the time a patience to teach her. Keep up the great work you two.
Brilliant kids!!!!
Hey, check out this website:
Mhari loves it and they have a ton of print out exercises etc.
Ken, Robin and Mhari
this is to comment on both the amazingness (sic) of my grandgirl and to comment on Jac's lack of housekeeping. Imagine...a spider on her window?
tsk tsk,
love you all
A-U-N-T-I-E C-A-C-A so easy, give a try princess genius!!! Good job!
I'm sure you know about it, but Makenna and I peruse all the time and find TONNES of great age appropriate games and puzzles!
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