MOooOOooOOOving right along... Guess what kids??
It is MOooOOOOoving day!
Yay! We are packing up and moving to our home!
Sooo excited! Movers are busy lifting as we speak! Ok, well I speak!
Next post will be from our home!
xo bitches!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
What a GORGEOUS day! We spent the day with Lisa, Ronan and Liam! I had a hoot! We kicked it old skool style. Riley Park just like the old days! Lisa was much faster than me and posted a great blog so check hers out!
The day went like this,

Riley Park

Kits beach for some serious sand play!
Said gbye to the Doucettes and opted for a prenap potty visit. Walked maybe 2 feet away from the facilities and Madigan is crashed in the buggy. Looks like we'll be staying at kits for a little while longer! Maeve looked like she had a blast playing in the sand while Madigan napped. She was pretty far away from me and I was a little nervous. She of course face plants right at the shoreline! The good news is I've never seen her jump up and spring to action faster! The badnews was her jeans got a little wet.. no biggie! I managed to transfer sleeping Madigan from buggy to carseat and we picked up Daddy! Now Daddy is reminding me there are only 4 days left before we move! sweet mother of mary I better get packing!
What a GORGEOUS day! We spent the day with Lisa, Ronan and Liam! I had a hoot! We kicked it old skool style. Riley Park just like the old days! Lisa was much faster than me and posted a great blog so check hers out!
The day went like this,
Riley Park
Kits beach for some serious sand play!
Said gbye to the Doucettes and opted for a prenap potty visit. Walked maybe 2 feet away from the facilities and Madigan is crashed in the buggy. Looks like we'll be staying at kits for a little while longer! Maeve looked like she had a blast playing in the sand while Madigan napped. She was pretty far away from me and I was a little nervous. She of course face plants right at the shoreline! The good news is I've never seen her jump up and spring to action faster! The badnews was her jeans got a little wet.. no biggie! I managed to transfer sleeping Madigan from buggy to carseat and we picked up Daddy! Now Daddy is reminding me there are only 4 days left before we move! sweet mother of mary I better get packing!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
What a rainy week!
Wow, what a monsoon! The weather here is really the pits! Ok ok, a few of these pics are from last week when the sun did pop its welcome self out!
Poor Auntie Erin and Uncle Don had to move in this rain. Blech! So, I haven't blogged in what seems like eternity! Sorry. I know there are some of you out there that check my blog daily... I mean some of you other than my Mom who checks it hourly!! Casa Mussellam is getting all packed up and boxed up for our big move to Mt Pleasant! I can't wait!! Recently we've had a few hiccups related to the purchasing of our first home but Michael is doing a really really great job sorting it all out and getting it all solved. Michael is pretty amazing. Poor guy had alot of growing up to do of late! Now, before you get all mad at me those are his words not mine!!

The girls continue to be wonderful human beings. Madigan is so cheeky it is unbelievable! What a girl she is. I'm not sure why but she seems to be going through some sort of separation anxiety. Bloody child almost breaks my heart this morning calling, "cuddle me Mama.. cuddle me Mama.. Mamaaaa" I had to go to work and I was really sad leaving her. I know she will be ok without me but man can she pull on the ole heartstrings!
Maeve is very quickly blossoming into a very unruly teenager.. what the??? Is that normal? My gosh she can get miserable fast! Lucky for us she comes out of it just as quickly as going into it! Maeve is our resident beautiful ballerina and can frequently be found in front of the tv... not necessarily watching it but watching her reflection in it! ha what a girl!
I am doing well. My work situation could be better. I had no idea how much it would blow working on the weekends. Don't get me wrong, Michael is an amazing father and he and the girls seem to have a wonderful time.. its just that I'm getting ALOT of grief from my supervisor regarding requesting time off.. you know, to move and whatnot! Sheesh lady, give me a break! It turns out that my Early Childhood Education License to Practice expires Dec 11/07! What? Where the hell did the last 5 years go'? So, I am enrolled for my emerg first aid Nov 1, I have 2 workshops and I need to find another 4 before Dec 11! YIKES!!
Cathy, I need to know if I have a really good career move coming my way!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
So today we had a great day! It was GORGEOUS out! Cold but sunny.. brisk and beeyootiful! We met up with the Doucette family at Cambie St Park and it was pretty great. When we got there they boys were throwing rocks in the ocean! Everyone made their way to the playground where Maeve and Ronan played as tho they haven't been apart a day in their lives! It was really really great! Liam is adorable!! He is super cute! Ronan is such a little surfer boy with AMAZING gymnastic ability! Around 4:30 or so, the Doucettes stuck out for home. The girls and I hung around the park waiting for 5:30 to pick up Daddy!
You want video?? Oh I'll give you video........
Here is some video of our day!
Maeve knows every single word to every single song on this album. We now skip over the songs that have naughty words in it!
Maeve is such a ham! I was aiming for Madigan when the show stealer popped into view! What a turkey!
My children are so beautiful to me! Never mind the birdseed on Madigan's face.. it is actually a very healthy granola snack that Mrs Kwan D'Eon made for us! YUM!
Madigan also knows the words to Gwen Stefani. LIke her sister before her, she demands tick tock be playing at all times in the vehicle. I am so sick of Gwen Stefani! We are coming up on 3 years of overplay here people!
You want video?? Oh I'll give you video........
Here is some video of our day!
Maeve knows every single word to every single song on this album. We now skip over the songs that have naughty words in it!
Maeve is such a ham! I was aiming for Madigan when the show stealer popped into view! What a turkey!
My children are so beautiful to me! Never mind the birdseed on Madigan's face.. it is actually a very healthy granola snack that Mrs Kwan D'Eon made for us! YUM!
Madigan also knows the words to Gwen Stefani. LIke her sister before her, she demands tick tock be playing at all times in the vehicle. I am so sick of Gwen Stefani! We are coming up on 3 years of overplay here people!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
This week
Hey gang... big thanks go out to Ang, Theo and Milo. We have had 2 playdates with them at their place and it was great! Ang got a new couch and it is... well... the best couch I've ever seen! It totally beats our fagelbo! It has a flip down table and the chaise part reclines! How sweet is that!

The girls and I have had some major running around to do the last couple of days so it was really nice to hang out with team Kwan D'Eon. Yesterday we had brunch with the lovely Melanie Snagg and the always adorable Carter! He is so adorable I can't believe it. I thought only girls were sweet and cute, turns out Carter is both and more! Its funny how babies just seem to capture your heart with seemingly no effort at all! You should have seen him gurgling and making raspberries.. He is one clever boy!
The girls and I have had some major running around to do the last couple of days so it was really nice to hang out with team Kwan D'Eon. Yesterday we had brunch with the lovely Melanie Snagg and the always adorable Carter! He is so adorable I can't believe it. I thought only girls were sweet and cute, turns out Carter is both and more! Its funny how babies just seem to capture your heart with seemingly no effort at all! You should have seen him gurgling and making raspberries.. He is one clever boy!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Warning... total brag...
Do not keep reading if you are offended by bragging...
Please.. if my bragging insults you, check back here tomorrow for less....
This is your last warning... last I tell you...
Ok, here goes!
My children are so obviously geniuses... or geniusi.... whatever.. it is clear they didn't get it from me!!
Today we were working on our letters again. Lots of kids her age go to preschool and work on letters,colours and stuff but poor Maeve doesn't get to attend.. Instead she gets her first learnin' via homeschooling!! Anyhoo, we have a workbook and we work on letters mostly. Its not something we do militantly.. we have only made it to letter "b" in the alphabet. Anyhoo, since most kids we know can already spell their names I tried to see if she could... guess what.. .she is so fricking smart! She can do her name and one of her favorite cousin's name too!

Sorry for the bragfest! I guess part of the reason I think she is so amazing is that I don't really know how to teach her the alphabet. Colours, numbers those are easy because we sing about them and point them out all the time. Yes yes, I realize I am a certified Early Childhood Educator but they didn't teach me how to teach children how to write. How to foster a love of reading, writing and rithmatic sure but not how to actually do it! I wasn't sure if I should hold the pen in her hand and help her make the letters or what so... I decided just to write out the letters and see if she could copy them... in the beginning that didn't really work too well but she did manage to copy the letter E really well. I really didn't want to hold her hand in mine because I didn't think that was really her doing the writing.. soo.. I did a combo of copying and dot to dots! Whenever the letter has a straight line I get her to do it and then I dot to dot the rest. Looks like she is really getting these letter things! She sometimes drifts off a bit while we are practicing and I have to stop and do something else because I don't want to push her or force her... I guess her school teachers will do that enough when the time comes!
Please.. if my bragging insults you, check back here tomorrow for less....
This is your last warning... last I tell you...
Ok, here goes!
My children are so obviously geniuses... or geniusi.... whatever.. it is clear they didn't get it from me!!
Today we were working on our letters again. Lots of kids her age go to preschool and work on letters,colours and stuff but poor Maeve doesn't get to attend.. Instead she gets her first learnin' via homeschooling!! Anyhoo, we have a workbook and we work on letters mostly. Its not something we do militantly.. we have only made it to letter "b" in the alphabet. Anyhoo, since most kids we know can already spell their names I tried to see if she could... guess what.. .she is so fricking smart! She can do her name and one of her favorite cousin's name too!
Sorry for the bragfest! I guess part of the reason I think she is so amazing is that I don't really know how to teach her the alphabet. Colours, numbers those are easy because we sing about them and point them out all the time. Yes yes, I realize I am a certified Early Childhood Educator but they didn't teach me how to teach children how to write. How to foster a love of reading, writing and rithmatic sure but not how to actually do it! I wasn't sure if I should hold the pen in her hand and help her make the letters or what so... I decided just to write out the letters and see if she could copy them... in the beginning that didn't really work too well but she did manage to copy the letter E really well. I really didn't want to hold her hand in mine because I didn't think that was really her doing the writing.. soo.. I did a combo of copying and dot to dots! Whenever the letter has a straight line I get her to do it and then I dot to dot the rest. Looks like she is really getting these letter things! She sometimes drifts off a bit while we are practicing and I have to stop and do something else because I don't want to push her or force her... I guess her school teachers will do that enough when the time comes!
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