Well today was rather nice. We went to the library and read some books, Madigan ripped one. Awesome. I had to narc on us. booo. It went over well, they don't mind so long as you bring it to their attention!@ Madigan is on a strict board book only diet from now on! After books we walked up to the shopping center called the Royal Priors. Madigan snoozed while Maeve and I grabbed some lunch. How Madigan manages to thrive on breastmilk alone is a mystery to me. She wont eat rice cereal, she will only eat maybe half a jjar of baby food at a time. She does like regular table food tho, bits of chicken, rice or potatoes... She seems to be growing nicely. We are waiting for our appointment with the National Medical something or other before we can find a Dr. for these two. Fortunately the house we hope to move into come wednesday, is right around the corner from a major children's clinic! Anyhoo, the shopping center has a great family bathroom with Mommy sized and Maeve sized potty, a fantastic nursing room with glider chairs and cold water and lots of great shops. Everywhere we go the girls make great friends.. mostly with old ladies but thats ok, its nice to see my girls brighten someone elses day!
Looks like the little pumpkins are having no trouble at all adjusting to the British way. How about the adults? Sounds like a great town you guys! I have visions of day trips to Scotland and London dancing in my head...lucky dogs.:)
Hi the girls are their beautiful lil selves I see! Can't wait to get home so I can brighten the pics up, my monitor at work is so dark! I did message you on MSN so tell me what you think.
Love you all
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