Hi everyone! We made it. We are safely in England. Leamington Spa to be exact. It is a wonderful little town. Very quaint, very green and seems really nice. Hopefully Michael and I will drop some serious poundage due to a)hot weather b) hauling around two lumps of cranky or c) walking around carrying one of said lumps since we don't have a car! The flight was uneventful. Well not really but too much to type about anyway! The trip from London to Leamington was longer than expected but really nice! The hotel we are staying in is HOT. No, I don't mean a paris hilton sort of hot. I mean HOT! We are on the second floor of a two story building. More like an attic I would say. We have a small window but for whatever reason whoever cleans this place insists on closing it! Today it was about 22degrees. Hot hot but there was a nice breeze. Well, it is way past my bedtime so I'll post more with pictures later!
Excellent work Mussellams. Looking forward to living our European life vicariously through all of you!!!
Looking forward to a nice chat with you when you are more settled. Hope the house hunting is coming along nicely. I have a nasty bug so am at home today. I love you all and miss you....but am enjoying lovely coffee while I mope!
stop talking about your mom's cooter
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