Well boys and girls. Last night we got our first child free sleep since June 1! Yes, almost a month and it sure was nice to not have to share the bed with a child! Ok, Michael still counts as a child but that is only because he is whiney! So, bringing you up to speed. We ordered beds for the girls from Mothercare on Michael's new mastercard! How exciting... a 10 plus day wait to have the items delivered. Every day I dutifully checked on the order status because there were some concerns about using the new credit card. 4 days into the wait I thought we were doing pretty well and so I figured, hey, lets just check and see if they are going to give us a narrower delivery date other than the "10 days". Well low and behold I look at our order and it is all cancelled. For what reason? I have no idea. Did they mention it in the form of email or anything? NOPE!! So, I didn't panic, but went to the mothercare site and saw that there is a store about 1 mile from us. No car, no idea how to get to it I went over to our neighbours Chris and Phil. They had offered to help us pick up a bed for Michael and myself knowing our things were still in Canada. So, I went over to ask Phil if he wouldn't mind driving me there whenever was convenient. I was hoping that he'd be able to give us a lift sometime this weekend so that we all wouldn't ahve to sleep on the floor. Phil, we will now refer to him as "godsend" said, let me finish my dinner and I'll take you there straight away. So, because nothing goes easy I thought. I better phone the store and put stuff aside so that a)Phil doesn't have to stand around waiting for some nutty canuck to shop and b)to make sure they have what I need in stock. So, I phoned up and a lovely girl said that they had all of my major needs and collected them up and held them for me. Not half an hour later Michael and I were setting up the girls beds! Phil and Chris and their daughter Tarnyia have been so helpful and kind to us. The downside to helping us find beds for the girls was that they both screamed for at least an hour each. Yes, Maeve cried and cried and cried but finally passed out after I laid with her and then Michael as well. Madigan is a little more stubborn and she screamed for what seemed like eternity. Seems like someone has gotten quite use to snuggling with her mother all night! This just in people, I need some sleep! So, in the pics you can see our stubborn little Madigan sleeping almost nudie because her pjs were enraging her further! Tonight I stayed in the room and talked her down to sleep. I'm expecting to do a little less each night until she is going to bed solo! Hopefully it happens tonight will be less traumatic for everytone!! I remember when Maeve was the same way and we were getting her out of our bed and into her own. Eventually we did get Madigan to lay down and sleep in a more comfortable position! Maeve too fell asleep sitting up, refusing to lay down in her crib. My girls are such strong, stubborn, beautiful individuals.