Hello everyone! We have had a great day! We sent of oodles of stuff to a womens shelter, we have talked to aunts, cousins and Grammas and we have napped! Both girls napped..... at the same time if you can believe it!! So today is Madigan's day. Right now she is sitting in her highchair, well Maeve's highchair soon to be baby jaker's highchair, eating bananas and fruit puffs! Her teeth must be bugging the beejeezus out of her because she is flat out refusing anything crackerish! Madigan continues to pull herself up on things and has taken lone steps only to fall because she isn't ready for walking! She of course will decide when it is time to walk not me but danged if I'm going to help her!! Here is her highness noshing on nanners! Oh and a big shout out to Adopted Gramma Irene! Glad you love our family blog! We love you and Vance too!!
1 comment:
Hey move over Gramma Irene, Gumma Honie Nonie Luvvy does not like to share!! Tee Hee actually you can love em all ya want! I know they are the cutest children in the universe ! Madigan you SIT and then crawl...walking is over rated! Maeve ya got the short end this time but next time is all yours (well except for sharing with your baby sister!)
I have lotsa plane goodies gathered by the way!
Love you all loads and loads,
Gumma Honie Nonie Luvvy and sometimes Nonie Baloney too
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